can there be gay chameleons

Does this mean they aint straight either ?
They are driven by instincts so i don think we can really use gay or straight in my opinion. They do not have the higher conscience as we do to classify themselves or think right or wrong, they think survival , and nature intends for males to be paired with females for procreation and thats what they go by naturally. We also do this but we dont have that same nature controlling us because we have a choice. Any other time a female is not involved their actions depends on the female no matter what, say if a female wasnt there and the male has no mate he cant control his urges so he might take another male to fill that void thus showing how in nature a female is needed and if she was there that wouldnt happen. As for the males raising young together same concept, female is void which means baby is in danger and so is the survival rate of the species in nature no mater if endangered or not so the males tend to it, thus also showing the female is needed and if she was there that would not happen. I hope this made sense lol
My sisters dog (a wiener dog) tries to hump my dog (black lab) all the time. He only does it when my dog gets excited about something tho. Maybe they release some kind of horomone or behaviour that is a clue to the other one that they want sex? I don't believe that animals are consciously aware of being gay or straight. I think they just get some kind of sign and start humping anyone
Lmao well put
They are driven by instincts so i don think we can really use gay or straight in my opinion. They do not have the higher conscience as we do to classify themselves or think right or wrong, they think survival , and nature intends for males to be paired with females for procreation and thats what they go by naturally. We also do this but we dont have that same nature controlling us because we have a choice. Any other time a female is not involved their actions depends on the female no matter what, say if a female wasnt there and the male has no mate he cant control his urges so he might take another male to fill that void thus showing how in nature a female is needed and if she was there that wouldnt happen. As for the males raising young together same concept, female is void which means baby is in danger and so is the survival rate of the species in nature no mater if endangered or not so the males tend to it, thus also showing the female is needed and if she was there that would not happen. I hope this made sense lol
At first it didn't make sense because im stupid, but then i re read it and it made sense. I get it idk why, but yours made sense the most to me lol, it's weird how people evolved to not do this, I didn't expect this thread to get so big omg, but thank you for adding to it and to help answer my question!
At first it didn't make sense because im stupid, but then i re read it and it made sense. I get it idk why, but yours made sense the most to me lol, it's weird how people evolved to not do this, I didn't expect this thread to get so big omg, but thank you for adding to it and to help answer my question!
lol dont worry i know i didnt type it that well but im glad you understand my opinion
@leedragon well for example, even female dogs hump things. Couldn't it be a dominance/anxious response kind of thing? I really have no idea and don't have anything against gay animals lol, but I find It hard to believe most animals even have the capability to be born gay.
Ofc. there are gay females aswell. You don´t have to belive it( no effence here) mate, but if you are interested you can find studies and scientific reviewed pappers on the net, documentaries and such. The museoum of natural history over here had an exposition about it. Gay is not something you become there is something you are so it is in your design. If you don´t see it as when they become sexual Active, and you start counting as gay then. But why do you Think that that dominace is exclusive from being gay? you have example of wild animals with females and what not choosing and animal of the same sex. Then it is the statment that they can not be gay because they do not Think and act on instinct, but what is more natural than that? if it is instinct then there is not a tought or something they have convinced themslef to, they just acting on how they are build. There are alot of benefits for a populations for having a populations of gay individuals and that is why they have not been weed out by evolution. End Point it´s there, pretty much everywhere. Don´t have anything against it and we don´t know much about it.
LOL this is amazing that's really funny lol, pride is really fun tho! And quite a view since im part of (L)gbt, lol so it was quite nice LOL
yeah its p cool, im not even out yet but my parents acted very ,, prideful ? Now we have two gay flags in our tooth brush holder so
i feel like it would depend on if sex is actually pleasureable for chameleons

or even possible for members of the same sex...

i mean just physically they may not be actually capable of perferming sexual acts on the same gender unlike other species ya know

also humans are a lot more communal and with social structures and hirearchy it makes more sense to have gays...kinda like with dogs

if the "gay" more submissive wolves help the alpha stay alive/reproduce without competing for the survival maybe it actually helps society?

idk rambling
Lol my female dog humps a toy snake that's her size ALL the time I guess she likes girls or something hahaha when she does that it makes me so confused because even if she wasn't straight why would she do that???
BTW everyone I didn't mean any of my comments to be against gays. When I said agendas discredit, I meant that it is such a hot button topic in the world that usually whoever is researching is fishing for either proof that it is natural and exists, or the opposite. I'm a firm believer that humans and some animals are born that way, just not sure about most of the animal kingdom. Interesting conversation for sure!
BTW everyone I didn't mean any of my comments to be against gays. When I said agendas discredit, I meant that it is such a hot button topic in the world that usually whoever is researching is fishing for either proof that it is natural and exists, or the opposite. I'm a firm believer that humans and some animals are born that way, just not sure about most of the animal kingdom. Interesting conversation for sure!
NAhh mate, don´t worries. The thing is what unite us here is chameleons and we can get alone just fine as long as we just share our interest and in sometime passion for them. but as soons as we looks for other ground our opinions and bagage we start seeing "we and them" and we will start hating eachother. if we could just concentrate us on the things that unite us and not on the ones that divide us, this World would be a much easier Place to live in.
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