Can someone give me advice on little nats that are attracted to live plants

Hi, today I noticed these super tiny flies gathering on top of the enclosure which I believe that the lights are attracting them. But my first question is if the flies will bother my chameleon and potentially harm him and secondly what could I do to get rid of them. Sorry im new to this and im not sure if anyone else has experienced this too.
Sounds like soil gnats... No they will not harm the cham. But they may make you a little nuts as they start flying around your house. You can use fly paper OUTSIDE of the cage. No where near your cham being able to get to it though. Very important because sticky surfaces and chameleon skin is a very bad combo.

I was told these work well but I have not tried it yet

Mine have started to decrease in numbers so I am just letting them die off and see if that helps.
Sounds like soil gnats... No they will not harm the cham. But they may make you a little nuts as they start flying around your house. You can use fly paper OUTSIDE of the cage. No where near your cham being able to get to it though. Very important because sticky surfaces and chameleon skin is a very bad combo.

I was told these work well but I have not tried it yet,aps,212&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTE9FV0hNWThDS05EJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDM1ODk4MlBSNUQ4TjFUSlZPOSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDMzODYxVjhEVU05UzhXUENHJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

Mine have started to decrease in numbers so I am just letting them die off and see if that helps.
I have gnat problems as well. I wanted to try the one you linked but haven’t gotten around to buying it. I’m currently just using fly traps outside of the cage and they help for me.
Sounds like soil gnats... No they will not harm the cham. But they may make you a little nuts as they start flying around your house. You can use fly paper OUTSIDE of the cage. No where near your cham being able to get to it though. Very important because sticky surfaces and chameleon skin is a very bad combo.

I was told these work well but I have not tried it yet,aps,212&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTE9FV0hNWThDS05EJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDM1ODk4MlBSNUQ4TjFUSlZPOSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDMzODYxVjhEVU05UzhXUENHJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

Mine have started to decrease in numbers so I am just letting them die off and see if that helps.
Thank you so much for your help, and ooo I was reading that I could put sand on top of the soil too but Ill for sure purchase the sticky surfaces as my last result and will be aware not to harm the cham. I really appreciate your advice and really thought I was the only one with this issue :)
There is another solution I’ve heard of to control fungus gnats (really any fly). Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and soap in a container and then cover with a lid with holes large enough for flys to go in. I use this around my house for fruit flys and it should be fine in a cham enclosure, right? Or could this cause issues.

even outside of the enclosure would help too
On a more serious note... they are a pita. If your plants are potted, you can remove them from the cage and do a “soil drench.” If you google it, you’ll see some different organic options... I think a peroxide mix is most popular for houseplants. It will help kill them and the eggs.

Sundews and carniv plants as @jamest0o0 mentioned, and sticky traps near the windows or lights (ensure there is ZERO chance your cham or its tongje can get near it).

Ive found hatching preying mantids in the cage is super effective against gnats and whiteflies. My chams love them and they usually eat them all up within a few days (sometiems within a few minutes). They’re now a regular addition to my cages.
There is another solution I’ve heard of to control fungus gnats (really any fly). Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and soap in a container and then cover with a lid with holes large enough for flys to go in. I use this around my house for fruit flys and it should be fine in a cham enclosure, right? Or could this cause issues.

even outside of the enclosure would help too
hi, that sounds like a really good idea and even having it outside seems safe and worth a shot. Im sorry to ask but what kind of soap would do the job?
Its true. I’m a Nat, and I love live plants!
Hi Natalie hehe, and yah I love live plants too. I just didn't know that gnats are attracted to plants or well wet soil lol
If you have a windowsill, the sundews will do the job. Soil gnats are drawn to them for some reason. I had pictures back in the day of literal thousands on a few sundews. Was so cool to watch.

Of course mantids are always a nice addition if you want to hatch some out.
hi, that sounds like a really good idea and even having it outside seems safe and worth a shot. Im sorry to ask but what kind of soap would do the job?

Hi Natalie hehe, and yah I love live plants too. I just didn't know that gnats are attracted to plants or well wet soil lol
I think any dish soap would work, the apple cider vinegar attracts the flies, and the soap keeps them from escaping
Sounds like soil gnats... No they will not harm the cham. But they may make you a little nuts as they start flying around your house. You can use fly paper OUTSIDE of the cage. No where near your cham being able to get to it though. Very important because sticky surfaces and chameleon skin is a very bad combo.

I was told these work well but I have not tried it yet

Mine have started to decrease in numbers so I am just letting them die off and see if that helps.
This little doo-dad works GREAT!
I would also like to know if this doo-dad works? I found one gnat in our babies tank and really don’t want more. Can you put it in the habitat or does it need to be outside of it? Just curious.
Check this out
I would also like to know if this doo-dad works? I found one gnat in our babies tank and really don’t want more. Can you put it in the habitat or does it need to be outside of it? Just curious.
I set it up outside the cage. I was wondering if it could go inside...but it is electric and I think we mist too often for it to be a good idea. Not to mention if you have a tiny baby it can probably climb inside.
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