Cage idea good or bad?


Avid Member
Okay so I kind of want to build a new cage for Mo like this

Except like maybe 4 1/2 feet tall, and at least have a diameter of 2 1/2 feet. So I'd need a lot of mesh.

I'd need a HUGE funnel to put at the bottom so all the water would just.. run down. Also I'd put screen above the funnel so Mo wouldn't fall or anything, and also his poop would just kinda fall into the bucket with the nasty water and I'd throw it out at the end of the day.

The door would be made out of sticks and look kinda like this

But attached to the cage with latches/ect so it would open, and be kinda wiggly, but then be a secure tight door when closed.

The top would be regular screen.

It would be somehow reinforced so I could hang pothos inside it. I have one pothos already that is DEFFO at least 4 feet long. Been growing in my house since I was born probably. The thing is huge.

Also sticks. I could easily attach sticks sideways into the enclosure.

I could draw it if anyone is interested?

Personally I think it is a good idea. It's ALMOST maintenance free and really the poop wouldn't sit at the bottom. Just go through the funnel.

And I'd feed him from a cup attached by two wires to the side.

I'd run drippers (maybe like 3 small ones) along the pothos and fake vines most of the day.

It would be efficient and the crickets would be in a nice cup so they wouldn't find a way out.

Also he would have TONS of space. And he'd be able to thermoregulate easier. And he'd be ABOVE me, hanging from the ceiling most of the time.

Whadda you guys think?

I'll draw it
This is a very good idea. Have you ever thought of hanging it from a ceiling?

Yes! I did mention hanging it from a ceiling. Maybe I could get some chains and hang a bucket from the bottom instead of finding something to prop the bucket on.

I could easily remove the bucket with little metal s's on the chain.

EDIT here is a picture


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One member here uses the same type of cage, and he keeps them outdoors...can't remember his screen name...
Yes! I did mention hanging it from a ceiling. Maybe I could get some chains and hang a bucket from the bottom instead of finding something to prop the bucket on.

I could easily remove the bucket with little metal s's on the chain.

EDIT here is a picture

looks very cool!!
I am actually going to build one like this. I was thinking that I could use the uvb and heat all in one bulbs and put a huge dome on top of the cylinder. What do you think?
Thanks for the replies guys.

I think I might also add some sort of plastic lip at the top so if we mist, the water that drips from the top drips off the lip, and into the funnel? Or maybe have the funnel go slightly past the cage walls?
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