Bump on head


New Member
Here's the background:

I purchased 1.1 Juvenile Ambilobe panthers from the All Cleveland Reptile Show from BA Reptiles. The female is about 4-5" svl and the male about 5-6" svl. These are not my first chameleons I owned 1.2 Veileds before and even bred them.

They are in there new (screen) homes, but I caught the male sleeping a bit this first day which concerns me (I wrote about this the first day I got them and they stopped sleeping after mucho rehydration and upping the humidity, but lately they both are back to sleeping and he goes into his "night mode" early ie picking a spot to sleep when the lights are still on. It's not just napping (he wakes up easily from that), it's like him going to bed for the night, color lightens up, sleeps trhough anything, etc). He's CB, looks very healthy (ie. no dehydration and VERY colorful), eats and drinks regularly, drinks a lot, but his eating has seemed picky to me, but as I was typing this out I saw him use the cup feeder for the first time so that's good. I also got some silkworms and hornworms for them, but niether has shown interst in them so far (just got them today). He's been basking by the bulb (90's in basking area and 70ish in other areas of his cage. There are 2 flourescent UVB lights above his cage. I started dusting the crickets with Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 and Rep-Cal herptivite.

Today I also noticed something on his head, a fleshy bump, not sure if it was there the whole time or not or what it could be. It was hard to get in the pic, but hopefully you can see it. Any thoughts would be great:


Here's a pic of the enclosure:

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reminds me of a tumor....huh... could just be from hitting its head if chameleons get like bruises or wutever, like when my brother hit his head on this chair thing he got this GIANT lump on his forhead, was wierd....rly rly disgusting 2 lol. but yea i agree with the person who just posted im sry i cant remember ur name lol, if it grows get a vet to check it out.
If it is an abcess (and only a vet can tell you for sure)...it needs to be treated at a vets. Where it is on the chameleon is will be very painful to treat it without the chameleon being put under.

"Pus" in chameleon abcesses are usually the consistency of cottage cheese and from what I have heard/read/experienced it won't be penetrated by antibiotics....so it needs to be completely cleaned out, flushed and then the chameleon will have to be put on antibiotics to ensure that the infection won't spread/return. A sample of the "pus" should be tested by a lab to make sure that the appropriate antibiotic is given.
If it is an abcess (and only a vet can tell you for sure)...it needs to be treated at a vets. Where it is on the chameleon is will be very painful to treat it without the chameleon being put under.

"Pus" in chameleon abcesses are usually the consistency of cottage cheese and from what I have heard/read/experienced it won't be penetrated by antibiotics....so it needs to be completely cleaned out, flushed and then the chameleon will have to be put on antibiotics to ensure that the infection won't spread/return. A sample of the "pus" should be tested by a lab to make sure that the appropriate antibiotic is given.

Thanks for the info. Any growth or it staying the same he's going to the vet, ASAP. Next week probably.
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