Breeding Question - Nasty Carpet Female!


Established Member
Major confusion with my last post so I needed to explain that all Carpets are in separate enclosures with all views blocked. Only one male is place into the females enclosure for breeding purposes. Two males are available for this task but she has never been kind to either.

My female is perpetually hateful to the boys. She instantly chases them down and bites with no hesitation. Mouth doesn't gap, she doesn't sway but she is black with the bright nonreceptive colors. Boys don't even have a chance to bob at her. After she has them hiding from her she goes back to basking. Colors are much calmer then, but, the boys are now afraid to approach.

I have attempted holding the male outside of the female's enclosure but they are so flighty and try to scurry off.

Afraid to leave the boys in with her even after she has calmed. What do you do when this happens? Is this normal for a female Carpet? How often do you attempt breeding?
You already have your own answers. She is unreceptive. You cannot force the female into receptivity by introducing males continuously.

Leave her alone until she visually shows you receptive colours. Then introduce a male. You should see receptive colouration at some point without needing to show her a male.

How old is the female? How long have you had her? It could be that she is unreceptive because she is already gravid with infertile eggs (maybe fertile if she is a wildcaught that recently came into your possession). Either way you should have a laying bin in her cage setup. It is very tricky to get females to lay their eggs in an egg laying bin. They often drop them all over the cage and you must be there to quickly move them into an incubator, otherwise they dry out.
You already have your own answers. She is unreceptive. You cannot force the female into receptivity by introducing males continuously.

Leave her alone until she visually shows you receptive colours. Then introduce a male. You should see receptive colouration at some point without needing to show her a male.

How old is the female? How long have you had her? It could be that she is unreceptive because she is already gravid with infertile eggs (maybe fertile if she is a wildcaught that recently came into your possession). Either way you should have a laying bin in her cage setup. It is very tricky to get females to lay their eggs in an egg laying bin. They often drop them all over the cage and you must be there to quickly move them into an incubator, otherwise they dry out.
She is wc and I set up the laying bin when she arrived 3/29/18. Her exact age is unknown but her size indicates she is mature. No eggs yet so I have to assume that she should be receptive sometime. I'm accustom to Veileds and Panthers and have never experienced so much aggression from those females.

I keep looking at female pics, mainly Kevin Stanford's publication, to give me some assurance on the receptive coloration. Was just curious if Carpets are more difficult to breed because of the female's aggressive tendancies.
She is wc and I set up the laying bin when she arrived 3/29/18. Her exact age is unknown but her size indicates she is mature. No eggs yet so I have to assume that she should be receptive sometime. I'm accustom to Veileds and Panthers and have never experienced so much aggression from those females.

I keep looking at female pics, mainly Kevin Stanford's publication, to give me some assurance on the receptive coloration. Was just curious if Carpets are more difficult to breed because of the female's aggressive tendancies.

Think about it this way. You have a nice big mansion with lots of food and natural sun lots of rooms to do stuff in. Then one day someone comes by and grabs you up puts you into a box for a while then ships you to another country and puts you in a small apartment. You still have your food and a couple rooms to move around in. But your use to living in a mansion. Not only that there is a person that comes and stares in your window multiple times a day. Then one day some guy just shows up in your apartment uninvited wanting to have sex with you. You would probably freak out as well.

She needs time to adjust to her new environment. She may already be gravid. A lot of wildcaught females come into the country already gravid.
Lennon could be right on the fact that she has not adjusted to the new environment yet.

But there is a big possibility that she is gravid. Carpet chameleons, like Panthers, can retain sperm and lay multiple clutches (maybe up to 3 is what I've heard?) from a single mating. Don't miss the signs of laying and keep your eyes open for random eggs lying around. Otherwise, I hope she digs and lays perfectly for you.

Good luck.
Well thank you everyone. New to Carpets and needed to run this by others. My female Veileds and Panthers were never wc and age was known. Feel lost without knowing the age and then add how shy Carpets are. Just learning to read all of their signs.
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