Black spots, please help!


New Member
Toto has developed black spots around her head area (see pictures) about 2-3 weeks ago. I poked around the web forums, and black spots that were discussed seem to either shed off (if bruises) or turn out to be dirt or mites.

She just finished shedding, and they are still there, here are the pictures:

She was kept outside (in TX) in a huge enclosure with non-toxic plants, warm and hot humidifiers, and etc., and vas very very happy there, but was brought in about a month ago when it started to get cold. Since then she has been in her 2x2x3 mesh habitat, again with non toxic plants, correct lights, humidifier, and etc. Eats crix and wax worms. Appetite, poops, behavior, sleep cycle, and colors are all fine (other than the brief initial grumpiness after the move). It is just these spots! They seem to be almost symmetric too...

Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
Have they spread ot gotten any bigger? If they are bruises it takes quite awhile for them to heal. Can be quite a few sheds. Other possibilities could be skin fungus or infection, if they get larger or spread then that may be likely
Have they spread ot gotten any bigger? If they are bruises it takes quite awhile for them to heal. Can be quite a few sheds. Other possibilities could be skin fungus or infection, if they get larger or spread then that may be likely

Yeah, i think they are spreading, not sure about getting bigger... :(
Not the variety that bite. Also, doubt those even could br cricket bites: they were symmetric (on both sides of him) and grew larger before they went away.
Best to do here is, taking to a vet and maybe do a culture to check for fungus. And don't sleep on it.
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