Big miss fatty fat fatso Whoopee

Anxious mamma here. This is killing me. I have no idea what I'm looking for and don't want to screw this up. Whoopee seams to be getting fatter every day but I have yet to receive an answer on what to look for after she lays her eggs? Or if she is egg bound or if I'm just paranoid. I can't go near her without her turning almost black.
you guys also wanted pictures of the small fan I use for exhaust in her area. Sorry it's hard to see everything is black.
I only have experience with my veiled.
But, what I have experienced is that my female goes down into her lay bin around mid day, or early evening. And she stays down there digging all night, and likely sleeps in her tunnel a little too. They may dig 1 tunnel and use it or they may dig multiple tunnels until they make one they like. She will dig her tunnel and then turn around and go in behind first. She lays her eggs, comes back out, and then buries them and pats down the top.Usually by morning she is finished and comes back up, very filthy, VERY (almost unrecognizably) skinny, and wanting some food. She mostly stays under basking light and only travels to eat her food. By day 2 or 3 she is back to her normal self.
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