Best dog,best friend RIP!


Established Member
I so miss my dog...i grew up with him ... i had him in every important moment in my life...he was there now he isnt...15 years of memories !
cant stop my tears ... the worst part is that i wasnt there when he died!!i had moved a few weeks before this!in the morning of his departure he went to every member of my family for his last moments!
i was dreaming him when i got the call...that darn call!i was petrified ,i cant remember how i got to him!my family was crying,that was the 1st day when he didnt bark when i came in the house!when i saw him i just fell in my knees,i screamed ....i picked him up,he was still warm,my family tried to make me let him go from my arms !!!i couldnt !i can still feel him!
damn that was a sad was raining like crazy!!!for a few moments i was looking through the window !after that i went for the shovel!and i dug about 3-5 hours(i was just so angry) in the rain-just crying !a man came and said to me why are you crying and digging so much!i replied that my best friend my dog died!he was laughting at me! that moment i remembered when something similar in the past happened when i was crying and a man laught at me but my dog bit him!hehe :D
I was happy but furious! damn i hate human nature!
I went home and my grandfather was just pulling his hair and cried like i have never seen him before in my entire life!
I picked my friend with my gf and my granpa and buried him!
Damn that dog ment a lot for my family!
He died of heart atack at the age of 15 years!
I will always miss you peal! and i will always remember all the crazy stuff we did together! im sorry for the long post ! i could write a few novels about my dog and all the crazy stuff we did together!heh

Now i got a new puppy so cute :x i adore him! but he cant replace my beloved friend!in time i hope that this puppy will fill my heart!

Rest In peace!and wait for me when the time will come to be together again!
R.I.P to your best friend , dont know what im going to do when mine go :'( hope you have a great time with your new pup :)
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Our pets can become a very big part of out family. Congrats on your new pup. I hope that the new pup will bring you joy.
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