bb fly info

BB Flies

There are many places where you can buy BB's but always try to get spikes (maggots). Spikes you can keep in the fridge for 2 months pupae only 2 weeks.

here are the things you need:

1: a large enough plastic container or deli cup with a wire screen cover. Big enough to fit 3 2.oz cups.
2: 3 (three) 2oz.cups 1 is for hatching, 1 is for feeding, 1 is for water.
3. Pine shavings (non toxic or pine litter) this is for pupating the spikes and will keep the smell down. You do not need that much enough. This is your 2oz. hatching cup.
4: foam that will fit one of the 2oz. cup (this will be your water cup) the foam is so the flies can drink and wont drown.
5: bee pollen (grounded down with a pestle) and powder milk (food last 2oz. cup)

Here is how you do raise them:

1: place the pine shavings or pine litter in one of the 2oz cups.
2: place 50 to 100 spikes (maggots) in this cup
3: place the grounded pollen and the powder milk in one of the 2oz. cups
4: place the foam and add water enough so it soaks the foam to the last 2oz cup
5: place all the cups in the big container (make sure it has a tight metal mesh cover. Metal is better than fabric because you can wash and reuse the container.
6: place the container in a warm place (I place mine close to the flourescent lights)

5 to 6 days later you will have BB flies. Let them gorge on the food and water before being offered.


1: make a new container every 2-3 days so you will always have a fresh supply of new flies
2: wait until they all hatch
3: To feed just place the whole container 90 seconds in the freezer so they become numb and take as many flies as you will be feeding. Dust the flies with calcium and place in the chams cage. you have to be quick because they will wake up before you know.
4: BB flies are treats however they are excellent in breaking hunger strikes and your chams will enjoy zapping them. BB will also make them move providing good excersise.

Good Luck,


Thank you for the quick reply. i already have the spikes. some have turned brown in a hard casing. does this mean they will be turning into flies soon? i have the 3 cup method in working order.
Glad that the Info was complete.

Steve I am glad to hear that she is doing great. A friend of yours also bought a small male thanks for the referral.

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