Bad shed veiled chameleon

Thanks so much (and that’s where I got my little guy from too) yes I was sure to get the golden pathos...but I see it says not to be ingested often, I may just get a hibiscus, because he’s going to eat what’s there, he’s a muncher. Thanks again for your advice and time (y)
No problem! I personally have a hibiscus in both of my chameleons enclosures, they love climbing on it (they don't seem to want to munch it though) I got both of mine at Lowes for fairly cheap
Temperate hibiscus are toxic though I'm not sure how serious it is. Tropical are edible. They require a lot of light and dont usually last without a lot of sunlight. They are also susceptible to pests. If you have a window near or can rotate them outside they seem to do alright though. They make nice plants to climb on for sure.
Update: I took our guy outside today and he has shown the most vibrant colors I have seen him have. I will continue to bring him out daily so he can enjoy the natural light.


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