Pale Veiled Chameleon


My 6-9 month of veiled has been pretty pale the past week or so. I’m assuming it’s him getting ready to shed since he shed he tail a couple weeks ago but I just wanted to get a second opinion. He’s super active when it’s time to feed. He’s also been looking a lot more brown to me recently but I’m not sure if that’s just his patterns or he’s sick. I attached a picture for reference. Thank you.
He is pulling some interesting colors...

How do you have the top of your cage set up under his lighting? Can you take a picture so we can see the cage with the lights on top?
He is pulling some interesting colors...

How do you have the top of your cage set up under his lighting? Can you take a picture so we can see the cage with the lights on top?

I’ve got the heat lamp in the back corner and then the uvb running kind of diagonal
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I’ve got the heat lamp in the back corner and then the uvb running kind of diagonal
So part of the issue is he really does not have the branches placed so that he can access everything easily. You want horizontal branches in there. If you are using the 6% UVB bulb you need branches placed 8-9 inches below the fixture for him to be in the right UVB range. He can not fully utilize the space because most of the branches are vertical down the middle. With that pothos that is hanging make sure it is extremely hooked in. If it is only hooked in on the screen you can easily pull out the screen or rip it with plant weight.

Here is my album for enclosures I have set up. It may help you with how to structure branches so he can fully utilize his cage.
So part of the issue is he really does not have the branches placed so that he can access everything easily. You want horizontal branches in there. If you are using the 6% UVB bulb you need branches placed 8-9 inches below the fixture for him to be in the right UVB range. He can not fully utilize the space because most of the branches are vertical down the middle. With that pothos that is hanging make sure it is extremely hooked in. If it is only hooked in on the screen you can easily pull out the screen or rip it with plant weight.

Here is my album for enclosures I have set up. It may help you with how to structure branches so he can fully utilize his cage.
Here’s what I’m working with now. I ran a branch under the uvb that should be around 9 inches. I also added some more horizontal branches in the back and lower in the enclosure. I used a few zip ties but cut it close and melted it down.


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Here’s what I’m working with now. I ran a branch under the uvb that should be around 9 inches. I also added some more horizontal branches in the back and lower in the enclosure. I used a few zip ties but cut it close and melted it down.
That is better. Just really watch that spot that he can get so close to the screen. If basking or UVB is right about it then you need to rearrange how the lights sit on top. With being so close to a basking light you deal with thermal burn risk. And too close below a uvb light and you deal with levels that are far too extreme.
This is what I am doing with my enclosure for structure and light layouts:

- My 'UVB' branch runs right under the UVB light so my chameleons can choose the temp and humidity they prefer to be at and still get proper UVB.
- I have wrapped three sides of my enclosure with corrugated plastic, I attach 3 thicker branches on the inside of the enclosure so that I can attach my 'highway' branches in my enclosure and have everything be secure. Its also a great way to attach pots for plants. This system removes strain on the screens.


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That is better. Just really watch that spot that he can get so close to the screen. If basking or UVB is right about it then you need to rearrange how the lights sit on top. With being so close to a basking light you deal with thermal burn risk. And too close below a uvb light and you deal with levels that are far too extreme.
It’s been about a week and Pascal has been looking better. He still gets pretty pale during the day but I’ve been seeing more green out of him. I also am curious about other ways to make water available as I’ve seen his poops are turning slightly orange/yellow. I think he’s pretty scared of the spray bottle and I want to make sure he’s got access to water when I’m not around. Let me know what you guys think. Thank you.


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Here’s another photo from this morning. kind of confused as well since he was so green when his lights came on and when I took him outside. I’d imagine he’d turn pale from being handled not from being put back into his enclosure.
Here’s another photo from this morning. kind of confused as well since he was so green when his lights came on and when I took him outside. I’d imagine he’d turn pale from being handled not from being put back into his enclosure.View attachment 346229
So this is a difference in temps. They can reduce color when they come back inside after get really warm outside.

For water you can add a dripper by using a solo plastic cup with tiny pin holes in the bottom of it. Then put ice cubes in the cup and place on top of the cage for a slow drip. Make sure this is set above plants so it drips on the leaves.
If you've got the funds, I'd highly recommend a Mist King system. A single nozzle is probably fine. That can be programmed to spray at certain times and is a very fine mist - much more pleasant for your cham than a spray bottle. That thing was probably the best investment I made for my cham's enclosure.
So part of the issue is he really does not have the branches placed so that he can access everything easily. You want horizontal branches in there. If you are using the 6% UVB bulb you need branches placed 8-9 inches below the fixture for him to be in the right UVB range. He can not fully utilize the space because most of the branches are vertical down the middle. With that pothos that is hanging make sure it is extremely hooked in. If it is only hooked in on the screen you can easily pull out the screen or rip it with plant weight.

Here is my album for enclosures I have set up. It may help you with how to structure branches so he can fully utilize his cage.
Hiii I just came across this wanting to figure out better living strategies for my moona. Thanks for the album , definitely needed help with positioning the branches in her enclosure because its small and I need to get her the bigger enclosure soon., but I made sure to stuff plants in there too.
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