Bad carl!!!!


New Member
soo this morning i went about feeding carl like usual. the other day i fed him a few supers which he gladly accepted with no problems, so today it was time for some crickets. he isnt too fond of crickets or dubia for that matter, but im all out of horns and silkies so he's gotta deal for now. i started to open his cage and he eagerly awaited the feeding cup and strted licking his chops in anticipation. he then looked in the cup.......and no lie.....looked me right in the eyes and gaped his mouth open wide and gave me a hiss!!! :eek: as if to say "wtf are these!?!?!" hahaha i had a good laugh but i don't think he's getting anything other than crickets for at least a few days....little brat lol
that is funny! Yes, stand your ground on those crickets since the worms are not a staple feeder. They are more of a treat that should be given sparingly :)
haha! My guy gives me that look too!
I fed him a hornworm and then when I went back to giving him crickets, he gave me a lok like wht the hell are you doing mom? I want worms!
SO no horns for him, crickets until he shapes up!
hahaha im ok with silkworms making up a decent chunk of his diet, but only if he eats his crickets too lol def no more supers or mealworms until he complies :)
You shouldnt feed supers or mealworms regularly. they arent very healthy, and they can cause impaction. FYI
Feeding worms

I was told not to feed them super's even small ones. Apparently Panthers dont chew their food and it can cause an impaction even death! I do feed him mealies and he loves his crickets! I want to give him a variety of food any more suggestions. I do clip some collard greens in his cage in case he wants to nibble, so far I don't see ant sign of snacking.
I was told not to feed them super's even small ones. Apparently Panthers dont chew their food and it can cause an impaction even death! I do feed him mealies and he loves his crickets! I want to give him a variety of food any more suggestions. I do clip some collard greens in his cage in case he wants to nibble, so far I don't see ant sign of snacking.

SUpers and mealies are essentialy the same thing. the difference is that supers are normally bigger.
panthers chew their food.
it is not that they dont chew that causes impaction, its the hard exo skeleton of supers and mealies that causes the impaction. neither worm is very high in nutrition.
Panthers arent known to munch veggies, veileds are the ones who mainly do that.
For mor suggestions, calciworms (aloso known as pheonix worms) are great daily feeders, dubia roaches are great staple feeders. silkworms, waxworms (though used sparingly as they are fatty)
I was told not to feed them super's even small ones. Apparently Panthers dont chew their food and it can cause an impaction even death! I do feed him mealies and he loves his crickets! I want to give him a variety of food any more suggestions. I do clip some collard greens in his cage in case he wants to nibble, so far I don't see ant sign of snacking.
mealworms and superworms are fine to feed, but not on an everyday basis. they are good for variety in a pinch but both are on the fatty side and mealworms are very high in chitin which can cause possible impaction. i like silkworms, hornworms, butterworms for variety but there are alot of options. you should read sandrachameleon's blog....she knows alot about nutritonal info for your cham
so anyways!!
loved this story it made me actually "laugh out loud":D
thanks for sharing
it just goes to show that they really do have personality
hahaha thank you all!!! i had a good laugh too :D i do believe they have personalities, but he shall not hiss at the hand that feeds :)
lol, mine has been naughty about his crickets recently, but he never hissed at me about it :D........he was a good boy today and ate 3 crickets, so I gave him a stick insect and 2 I bet he's going to be a jerk again next time I offer crickets. It's a constant battle to make him eat crickets, soon he might learn that he'll get his pudding only when he's got them down.........
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I was told not to feed them super's even small ones. Apparently Panthers dont chew their food and it can cause an impaction even death! I do feed him mealies and he loves his crickets! I want to give him a variety of food any more suggestions. I do clip some collard greens in his cage in case he wants to nibble, so far I don't see ant sign of snacking.

panther dont chew there food:eek: ya not correct those guys mash $h!t up!! at least mine do.
and to the op go on you my gizmo holds out for worms once in a while and i have to stop feeding anythng till he eats his crickets. i have even made him eat a cricket to get his worm before.
i showed him the worm and everytime he went for it i switch with a cricket untill he ate the cricket, then he got his worm.;)
This story gave me a good laugh. :p

I think its time to show him whos boss. No more worms for awhile!

My Panthers bite and chew their food like crazy.
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