Baby Veiled Dehydrated!

My Chamelon

Hey, I'm new to the forum, as well as having a chameleon. I was wonder if there's any way I would be able to tell if she's dehydrated. Are there any outer physical signs? I have never seen her urate, but I normally leave her alone most of the day too. I've only had her a week or two, and I can't tell if she;s drinking. Any help is good!
Welcome to the forums. The best way to tell it to look for the poop. If the urate part is white then she is hydrated. If it's yellow she need more water and if it's orange then she is dehydrated.
If your chameleon is still alive after two weeks than they have drunk water lately. They might still be dehydrated though. To tell you can look at the poop, or look at their eyes. If there eyes are sunken than they are dehydrated, if their eyes are full than they are probably hydrated. :)
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