Baby or Juvenile Panther?

Total noob here~
I am super excited about getting my first chameleon ever and have decided on a Panther. The local reptile shop that I plan on getting him from says that I can get on a list for either a baby or a question it better to get an older one?
I am in the super research phase right now and just beginning habitat setup. I would love to have a baby and see it grow however, I don't want to jump in too deep being that this is my first cham. Are babies much more difficult to care for? I am an experienced exotic animal keeper just never had a cham. What do the you guys recommend?
I feel the older the juvenile is the better, less chance of complications, and it is easer to sex. However the older one do cost more sometimes.
Go for the is better to wait until you have more experience to get a baby, they are so fragile carewise. If you can...get a male, you don't have the egg issue to deal with.
Hello everyone my juvenile blue bar won't stop climbing the top of his cage any tips? He's got lots of levels n hiding spots but seems to like it upside down
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