At the hubby's insistance...


Chameleon Enthusiast
The hubby loves the snails almost as much as Ferdinand does :) He's convinced that if the snails were "happier" they would breed more. So the plastic tub I was keeping them in wasn't good enough. They need an aquarium. With decorations. And a fancy background. And plants to make them feel "more at home".

Here is what we did yesterday - the plastic plants are on their way. We had to order the right ones since he didn't like the options at the pet store. The things I do for love :D

On the plus side, my Jax goes absolutely NUTS for snails, so I don't mind. The hubby stayed in the Bugatorium (spare bathroom) for like 3 hours yesterday watching the snails... keeps him out of trouble, I guess. A fun little project for us to share. Stupid snails better appreciate this!


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I'm sure the snails will ove their new home! Do you have a swimming pool and diving board yet?
I started a snail colony. I found two snails wandering around and put them in a plastic container outside with dirt, a pool, some stones and two flowerpots on their sides. Haven't seen any eggs yet, but I did see them making out!
Of course, this was before Piko stopped eating. ( sigh)
I keep hoping she'll pick up...
Snails will do it! I'm sure Piko will love them. If you were close, I'd happily give you a starter set :(
I know all the info concerning snails have been discussed in the past,but I'm curious did you order yours from snails in the mail. I've thought about ordering 2 & last I looked they are shipping them again. But I'm having issues on how to clean the slime off the glass and how often this needs to be done,do you have a back up aquarium to change them over too while cleaning the tank out? Any input you might have would be greatly appreciated & might just sway me to place an order
I am glad to hear that hubby loves the snails.:D I do expect with that nice home you will receive a nice thank you card in the mail any day.
Yep, Piglett's blog and Sandrachameleon's info got me going with the snails!

I clean off the sides every other week or so and try not to leave food in the tank too long. I started with 10 snails to get going. They were pricey - about $6 apiece with shipping. I got mine from Snails in the Mail. You might check to see if they are shipping again yet.
Do you just wipe the sides off with say a wet rag or something dry.
And crap just checked & they are only shipping in California at this time.I might email them & go from there
I find it easier to have an extra bin and just transfer them to a new bin every 2-3 weeks. Then I clean the old one out with soap and water. You also need to be sure to freeze the old dirt before throwing it out to ensure you don't have any eggs or snails in it that will go on and become pests.

It is much cheaper to purchase them from Nilesbio. You will need a USDA permit, but it is free and easy to get. I link the site on my blog. When they say class 16 that means you get 16 snails. Just FYI.
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Thanks Pigglett,I did read your blog and it is full of wonderful info,and I'm glad to know about the soap & water cause I didn't see that so that's why I was still wondering.Good to know about freezing the soil just in case.I will most definitely check out the Nilesbio site.

Thank you both for all the info
Thanks Pigglett,I did read your blog and it is full of wonderful info,and I'm glad to know about the soap & water cause I didn't see that so that's why I was still wondering.Good to know about freezing the soil just in case.I will most definitely check out the Nilesbio site.

Thank you both for all the info

Great, thanks for the inquiries, i have added the washing and freezing info to my blog in case others have the same questions.
The hubby loves the snails almost as much as Ferdinand does :) He's convinced that if the snails were "happier" they would breed more. So the plastic tub I was keeping them in wasn't good enough. They need an aquarium. With decorations. And a fancy background. And plants to make them feel "more at home".

Here is what we did yesterday - the plastic plants are on their way. We had to order the right ones since he didn't like the options at the pet store. The things I do for love :D

On the plus side, my Jax goes absolutely NUTS for snails, so I don't mind. The hubby stayed in the Bugatorium (spare bathroom) for like 3 hours yesterday watching the snails... keeps him out of trouble, I guess. A fun little project for us to share. Stupid snails better appreciate this!

I think your hubby sounds wonderful.
I like my snails a lot too.
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