Are your chams drinking from a dripper..?


New Member
How many of chams that you own, drinks from a dripper regulary? Do you often see them drink or they'll drink from dripper when u mist the cage?

I'm thinking about putting one in my veiled's cage and I'm not sure if it would be worth of it. But I'll try it anyway.

He is over 2 years BTW...
All mine drink almost exclusively from drippers. Its a much more efficient and consistent way of getting water to them. Misting is still something I do daily, for the benefit of skin and eyes.

I recently had an adult male panther visiting. his owner does not use a dripper. But this chameleon "took" to the dripper idea very quickly, and appeared to prefer it to misting source

Drippers are cheap to make, so why not give it a try. Here's a couple ways how:
I mainly use a automated mister, i have long misting sessions. i try to keep up with the drippers, but don't always remember.

i probably go through 5 gallons a week on 2 cages
If you can afford it get an auto mister. Water drippers are good but its a pain cuz they dont always work right, and have to be filled alot. I put Ice cubes on top of the cage when its hot, and mist 3 times a day. A cheap good way is to get a two leter, poke a hole in it and turn the cap untill it drips slowly. :cool:
I have an automatic mister and was advised by several members to leave it running for several cycles a day for at least 10 minutes. As they suggested, the chameleon is practically forced to drink. It was the first time I actually was able to watch my chameleons drink in person.
If you can afford it get an auto mister. Water drippers are good but its a pain cuz they dont always work right, and have to be filled alot. I put Ice cubes on top of the cage when its hot, and mist 3 times a day. A cheap good way is to get a two leter, poke a hole in it and turn the cap untill it drips slowly. :cool:

I prefer the drippers.
I have mine set so with one filling, they drip almost all day.
There is constantly available water (not just for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day)
Additionally the dripper doesn't spray anyone forcing them to be wet. I have seen all my chameleons choose to sit under the dripper when they want to cool off.
I have not yet had a chameleon that wouldn't drink from a dripper (except for brevicaudatus .... actually never tried with them, just two mistings a day.

Yes regularly. My dripper runs all day, everyday. I rarely mist excepting when hes shedding or to clean plant leaves.
Very much a crucial peice of any cham keepers equipment imo.
Let your lizard decide how much it drinks AND how often. :)
Water drippers are easy, clean, contained, and above all effective. I hardly ever mist (just to ease shedding and such)
None of my 3 will drink from a dripper. I've tried and tried and they won't take to it. They all drink in front of me so shyness isn't the issue.
When i mist my cham and his cage, he likes to open his mouth once the mist is hitting him. He also drinks from the drippler.
None of my 3 will drink from a dripper. I've tried and tried and they won't take to it. They all drink in front of me so shyness isn't the issue.

Do you have it dripping through screen? Or do you have it "piped in" with a hose? Is it really close to a favourite perch? Does the dripper drip QUICKLY (multiple drips per second)? How long did you try it for (sometimes it takes a month before they figure it out)
My chams loves drippers, they love them so much they stand under the drips and almost take baths there. When I mist the chams I do not want it to touch them, but once finished misting they crawl all over the wet leaves and lick up the water. Also, my chams. are so used to the dripper when they see me reach above to turn on the drips on they rush down to the leaves where the water goes and patiently wait the flow to come down their way.:p
What a pleasure ....

.... It is to read here where so many are favoring the idea of an extended drink opportunity, whether by a dripper, or prolonged misting. We have been a proponent of longer drink opportunities for many years. Drippers are the most effective way to provide the extended opportunity, with minimal water, IMMHO. However, it is whatever works for you, as water management is a serious issue with many indoor chameleon owners, so long as the chameleon gets its fill. If I may offer a definition of "its fill", its when water is available, and the chameleon ignores it. I do not know a more simple way to put it. Misting often lends itself to under-watering, again IMMHO. Hope all works well for you.
I made him same dripper as sandra has...

At the moment he doesn't look interested... he looks at the water dripping (drips quite fast) but won't drink...

I think it's going to pass some time, untill he gets it in his mind.
My chameleon didn't really like the drippers that I had/made for him. He'd drink from it but not as often as when I mist him. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with being raised on a dripper as opposed to being used to mistings. I bought Fred at about 5-6 months and he had been misted at the store, so I'm assuming his behavior is due to that.

Can I ask why you want to use a dripper? Does your cham not do well with mistings?
A hot needle (use a flame) through the bottom of a 2liter bottle is the perfect size to drip for about an hour. If its on the side of the bottle at the bottom it sprays the tiny stream of water further at first, getting closer to the bottle as it empties. This means I can water 3 or 4 plants and have a varied flow over each refill so my cham can choose what suits him.

I always drip with lukewarm water.
I mist 3 times a day w/ warm water for aprox. 30sec. each time w/o spraying the cham. directly. I also use the dripper 3 times a day for about 10 minutes, letting the drips fall about 20 sec. apart. My chams love it, they lick the mist up. When I use the dripper they stand under it and lick the leaves the drips hit. A couple of the chams. even stand under the drips and take showers. :)
Do you have it dripping through screen? Or do you have it "piped in" with a hose? Is it really close to a favourite perch? Does the dripper drip QUICKLY (multiple drips per second)? How long did you try it for (sometimes it takes a month before they figure it out)

I had it just dripping through the screen. Yes, it was just next to his basking spot. I had it dripping at 1-2 drips per second. Also never tried it longer than 3 weeks, here and there, mostly less than that.

The Melleri I think are just really lazy, the only way they drink is to be sprayed. They will lick their lips. They don't drink from any of the plants. They have me trained well. But I will try again with my veiled using some of your tips. Thanks.
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