Ambilobe X Nosy Be

#1 is MOSTLY true. it does depend where you live, and on supply/demand. I sell my male crosses for almost as much as my pure males. Some crosses can actually sell for MORE than pures.
2 - also only mostly true. Again, it just depends on demand.
3 - probably true. just sell them for less to people who want a pet, rather than market to breeders or those who care about lineage.
4 - thats a risk in ALL cases, really - but people who want pure animals buy from reputable sources, so your "back yard breeder" is unlikely to indirectly interfer with some pure breeding program

Very true, you have to excuse me, I forget that there is more to the world than the country in which I live lol You do always hear about there being much less availability to begin with in Canada, so I suppose some of those reasons don't apply as much. Those are just the deterrents keeping me from breeding my cross and selling any offspring on a any scale. Although I would really like to hatch out a small handful and keep them all.
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