After long hard work the site is practically done



So just as Brad R. is doing, (creating a website with the most common asked questions on chameleonforums) i created a website last week and have been working out all the kinks and writing up material. It is mostly done, except for all the videos i am going to put up. If there's any content people want to submit, you may go to my contact section. This website will constantly be updated, as at my work i only work an hour out of my whole day, and the rest of the 7 hours i get to do what i want.
I had to code most of it by hand, as my company does not allow me to install software on there systems :( .. Hehe, but it worked out ok.
Let me know what you think.
Nice work!
Definetely more high tech than mine. I love all the pictures and look forward to watching the development.

I like how it shows the basics right up front. Thats useful for not having the same questions asked over and over again
So just as Brad R. is doing, (creating a website with the most common asked questions on chameleonforums) i created a website last week and have been working out all the kinks and writing up material. It is mostly done, except for all the videos i am going to put up. If there's any content people want to submit, you may go to my contact section. This website will constantly be updated, as at my work i only work an hour out of my whole day, and the rest of the 7 hours i get to do what i want.
I had to code most of it by hand, as my company does not allow me to install software on there systems :( .. Hehe, but it worked out ok.
Let me know what you think.
nice site!
Thanks guys for the encouragements, I still have a bunch of ideas and will be implementing them soon on the site.
Just as a consideration
as far as cages for the adult, maybe you should specify which species will do well in the enclosure size that you suggest.
Nice work!!!

Two comments:

1) Did I miss crickets as feeder insect?

2) And I read somewhere that spinach wasn't good food... I would have thought it is, just double-checking.

Again VERY NICE WORK!!!!!!!!
Nice work!!!

Two comments:

1) Did I miss crickets as feeder insect?

2) And I read somewhere that spinach wasn't good food... I would have thought it is, just double-checking.

Again VERY NICE WORK!!!!!!!!

Haha good eye man. i can't believe i missed crickets. it's been added. and as far as spinach goes, i know it can be an occasional gutload offering. Hmmm. don't know if i should take that off or not.
Just a couple quick things I saw,

The adult enclosure says 24" tall (2ft) should be 48".

Couple other feeders to include: Phoenix Worms, Waxworms

Also, you might consider making a "Lighting" tab and specifically tell people, Zoomed 5.0, 60W halogen light, and the specific temps for specific species. So they dont ask a billion times if their reptiglow krapola light will work
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Just a couple quick things I saw,

The adult enclosure says 24" tall (2ft) should be 48".

Couple other feeders to include: Phoenix Worms, Waxworms

Also, you might consider making a "Lighting" tab and specifically tell people, Zoomed 5.0, 60W halogen light, and the specific temps for specific species. So they dont ask a billion times if their reptiglow krapola light will work

Dude. already working on it. it will just take some time to roll it all out.
It is looking VERY nice by the minute!!

Keep it up!!

And... will my Reptiglo work??? HE!HE! Had to do it!!!
Nice work!!!

2) And I read somewhere that spinach wasn't good food... I would have thought it is, just double-checking.

Again VERY NICE WORK!!!!!!!!
it is important to recognize that while spinach is not a bad food item; it actually binds calcium in the digestive tract so that it does not get absorbed into the body. It is not a good staple because of this.
Wait I just realized it was insect only list! But you could still add pinky mice somewhere else

When it comes to pinkies everyone has different opinions, some are for and against it. But your right, i could do possible feeders. For example, Veileds eat veggies, i haven't included a veggie and fruit section yet. But the site is long from being finished, i still have so many ideas i just need some time roll it all out. i have alot of video information to document too, but i won't get my camcorder till christmas. :) and i had a problem with my hosting account and just switched so i was down for a couple of days. :)
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