Abscess or Lump on Nose ???


New Member
My female Panther Chameleon has a strange bump on her nose. The Vet said it appears to be an abscess but was not convinced. The vet is a new one for me and I'm liking their attentiveness much better than the last one. But, I usually find good info here. Hoping someone can shed some light on this condition.


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Shortly after I purchased my adult Jackson's cham, a bump formed on the base of his tail. I took him to a vet, they said "abscess" and had no questions about it. Took him to another vet for a second opinion (in which we did blood tests, x-rays, culture) and she said it was no abscess, but a growth. He also had a small bump forming on his upper shoulder, next to and behind his tongue, that was just a little discolored-pink area among his green.

When I had him go forward with the surgery, the vet (did her homework on chameleons but wasn't too experienced to begin with) removed the bump on the base of his tail successfully. Not an abscess, just a growth. Not sure of cause to this day.

However, the bump that was below his skin that just caused the little discoloring, above his shoulder, she said she tried to remove but found out that it was just "hardened skin" and couldn't be removed. Nowadays the bump is a bit bigger but looks to not be affecting his life or growing. I have decided not to get it removed if it seems as though it is not hurting him, the vet visits and antibiotics and painkillers were just so stressful for my Jackson's and I don't want to put him through it again if we can avoid it.

If it is absolutely needed, I will do it. Though he is an adult and seems to be doing just fine. His appetite is always hardy and he drinks regularly, has no problems.

Hope you can figure it out! If the vet is certain they can remove it, I would go through with it. Above the spine being a rough area to operate on, my vet said it was risky. Though he pulled through just fine and is all healed to this day!
Thanks for the reply, I might add that she sometimes holds her mouth open for a few seconds, less than a minute. It is almost as if she is having breathing issues. She recently has some crust on her nostrils also. She was put on antibiotics because she was blowing mucus bubbles from her nostrils. She will be going back again soon.
Definitely take your chameleon to a vet. it could be a sinus infection which can also effect their eyes. I have seen this quite often on here. If it is indeed an abscess it will need to be cleaned out cultured and then you will need the proper anti biotic
Definitely going back to the Vet. I'm a believer in Vet care. Here is another picture. I'm concerned because since she was at the vet a few weeks ago it has gotten bigger since then. It may be blocking her nasal passages.


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Hi, your chameleon has a sinus infection. The only way to solve this issue is to take your chameleon into a vet that is knowledgeable with reptiles to do a culture on the infection to determine the proper antibiotics to cure your guy here.

Good luck

This is a great read for you to get an idea of where the infection is and how to help your vet with some info https://www.chameleonforums.com/question-about-nasal-passages-nasolacrimal-duct-101170/
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That bump is right over the sinuses and especially in veiled chameleons for some reason you can see bumps appear over them when there is an infection of the sinuses because of swelling and pus formation, possibly secondary to an upper respiratory infection. Pus in reptiles is very thick and not liquid like in mammals, so while antibiotics are usually started for the infection that caused it, they won't get rid of the pus in the sinuses causing the swelling. Usually the sinus needs to be opened with minor surgery and all that stuff scooped out. So it's time to find a good reptile vet in your area.
Thanks everyone! Vet visit tomorrow. I've just switched to a new vet that seems to be much more experienced with Reptiles. They were recommended by another vet that I've known for years. Happy with them so far. We'll see how this episode goes.
Thanks everyone! Vet visit tomorrow. I've just switched to a new vet that seems to be much more experienced with Reptiles. They were recommended by another vet that I've known for years. Happy with them so far. We'll see how this episode goes.

Great to hear, hope for the best for your girl!
Update! Took her to the vet today and had it lanced and cleaned. She is now on antibiotics. She was under anesthesia during the procedure and appears to be ok. She (the vet) didn't think it was causing breathing issues but I'm not sure I agree, Otherwise I don't think she would have been holding her mouth open at times. She indicated it was an abscess.

Have to admit I was concerned about putting her under anesthesia, but I guess it's routine.

I'll post updates. I'm just glad this part is over. I asked the vet what to expect regarding changes in her activity. Anyone have any input on what to expect short term in terms of behavior?
Hey my chameleon has the same thing going on with the bump on her nose I just wanted to ask how much was it for them to examine, do the procedure, and get the antibiotics you needed
My female has this also, what should i except to pay for a vet visit?


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Well, it was $164.00 including baytril and silvadene. They put her out and excised it, removed the yuck and cleaned the area out. She is doing well today I'm happy to report.
What many people don't seem to realize is that the cost of the same procedures widely varies from place to place because the cost of running a veterinary business is far more/less expensive in some areas than in others.

Gacpro, I'm very glad you took your cham to a vet with much more reptile experience.
It can make a huge difference, as you've seen for yourself.
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