New Member
For about two weeks now, I’ve noticed this little bump growing on my chameleons jaw. I haven’t noticed it change in shape or size, but it hasn’t gone away. Does anyone have any advice? She’s shedding right now, so she’s not as active as normal, but before she started to shed she was acting fine. I can’t afford fancy x rays and things right now can someone please offer some advice? I am a minor so this is really important but I don’t want anything happening to my baby
Here’s some more information on her:

- female veiled chameleon about 2-3 years old I think. Been in my care for about two years.
- She doesn’t enjoy handling at all even though I tried to get her used to it, so I only do it when necessary
- She’s feed 2-3 times a week. Usually a mix of crickets with fresh veggies like spinach, lettuce, carrots, and strawberries. Hornworms and super worms as occasional treats.
- I dust my feeders with repti-calcium from zoo med and gut load them with veggies.
- I use a mist sprayer about three times a day (before school, after school, and before bed) and mist her enclosure heavily. I sometimes notice her opening her mouth when I mist her, but I think it’s out of annoyance (?)
- Her stool usually brown/white with yellow occasionally.
- If you check my previous post, she had a wierd thing with protruding eyes that went away, but other than that, no previous health issues..
- She lives in a screen cage ( I posted pictures of the enclosure in another thread)
- Lighting is zoomed bulbs (I don’t remember how strong they are exactly, but I consulted a different thread about it and they are powerful enough) lights go off every night around ten.
- Middle of cage is about 70 degrees, top is about 80 usually.
- I use a humidity gauge in my enclosure. It’s usually around 70-80%
- No live plants, she likes to eat them and I can’t keep them alive
- I live in the deep South. Very humid, very warm.