A gnat trap that works...


Avid Member
I am having very good luck with a gnat trap I made and thought it was worth posting in case it might help others. I realize there are other methods as well but for me this has been the most simple and effective. If you have a substrate I also highly recommend adding Springtails and Isopods as these have also helped me with the gnat problems - whether it's because they actually kill the gnat larvae, or just deplete their food source I'm not sure, but they have helped greatly. However I still had stray gnats and this little setup has almost completely eliminated them.

There are of course countless variations which could be made that would work the same way, but the basic idea is to have some ripe/rotting bananas in a small container with a lid which will allow a small amount of the aroma of the bananas to escape but WILL NOT ALLOW THE GNATS DIRECT ACCESS TO THE BANANAS. I cannot stress this enough! If the gnats can actually access the bananas you will have a thriving breeding colony of gnats and no amount of sticky traps will catch them all! Then you place a "wall" of sticky traps around the area just above the banana container so that when the gnats fly down into that area to investigate they are likely to land on the sides and get stuck. It's cheap and super easy to make!

Here are some photos - I think they are pretty much self explanatory. If anyone else has posted something really similar I apologize - I have not seen anything quite like this and I'm not trying to copy anyone!





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