Established Member
Over the last few months it has been getting harder and harder to find decent crickets! I realize there is a problem with a virus that affects crickets and has wiped out a lot of suppliers. What is driving me nuts is I cant seem to find a reliable supply of adult/large crickets. I seems no matter where I buy I only get one in ten of the size I order, the rest are all small, 2 or 3 week old at best. Only a couple local stores sell crickets in bulk/loose the rest sell these really annoying "bug tubs" that contain 25 or 50 crickets along with food and water gel. The few stores that sell loose/bulk crickets are faced with the same problem as myself, only about one in ten are actually the size that they have ordered! I am trying to feed several LARGE chams and tiny crickets don't really cut it! I do try to use other feeders as well, such as super-worms and hornworms, but the hornworm supply is very unreliable and expensive and supers aren't the best staple. Another thing that bothers me is I read all about how great dubia are and I cant get them in Canada! Boo Hoo for me. Thanks for letting me rant.