I work at an animal hospital and someone came in with a 9 month old Jackson Male that he had no money to take care of and he just wanted to put him to sleep and get another one. I took him instead. I know nothing about Jackson's and I have been doing my research but I thought you guys maybe have some tips or ideas. He came into the hospital with a swollen foot and swollen eyes. I have changed the husbandry and now his eyes are completely closed.
What he used to live in:
20 gallon glass tank, no thermostat, 100% crickets, misting with spray bottle 1-2 times daily.
Now I have him in:
ZooMed ReptiBreeze Open Air Cage
Heat Lamp 80 degrees
UVB light 10-12 hours daily
Misting with spray bottle 4-6 times daily (humitidy is only at 30%) need to get a misting system
Trying to feed gut loaded crickets, mealworms and waxworms but now have to force feed Carnivore Care and water as his eyes are closed and he can not see anything.
On Metacam (Nsaid) for only a few days for pain/inflammation
Baytril oral for 30 days
Had an injection of Vitamin A,E & D
Does anyone have an ideas why his eyes and foot are swollen and if there is anything else I should be trying. I am also trying to handle him as little as possible and have him in a room that has no traffic.
I work at an animal hospital and someone came in with a 9 month old Jackson Male that he had no money to take care of and he just wanted to put him to sleep and get another one. I took him instead. I know nothing about Jackson's and I have been doing my research but I thought you guys maybe have some tips or ideas. He came into the hospital with a swollen foot and swollen eyes. I have changed the husbandry and now his eyes are completely closed.
What he used to live in:
20 gallon glass tank, no thermostat, 100% crickets, misting with spray bottle 1-2 times daily.
Now I have him in:
ZooMed ReptiBreeze Open Air Cage
Heat Lamp 80 degrees
UVB light 10-12 hours daily
Misting with spray bottle 4-6 times daily (humitidy is only at 30%) need to get a misting system
Trying to feed gut loaded crickets, mealworms and waxworms but now have to force feed Carnivore Care and water as his eyes are closed and he can not see anything.
On Metacam (Nsaid) for only a few days for pain/inflammation
Baytril oral for 30 days
Had an injection of Vitamin A,E & D
Does anyone have an ideas why his eyes and foot are swollen and if there is anything else I should be trying. I am also trying to handle him as little as possible and have him in a room that has no traffic.