50 is a charm


New Member
Veiled chameleon just had her first batch of eggs at approximately 6 months. Gave her a 10” square bucket with damp play sand 4” deep. She dug for 2 days. Built a tunnel system and rarely came out and did not eat. She had 50 eggs and has totally deflated.
Veiled chameleon just had her first batch of eggs at approximately 6 months. Gave her a 10” square bucket with damp play sand 4” deep. She dug for 2 days. Built a tunnel system and rarely came out and did not eat. She had 50 eggs and has totally deflated.
50 is a lot you want to look into reducing that amount. Feeding a lot and providing higher basking levels increases clutches and 50 is a lot. I’ll tag some more experienced female owners to help you more @MissSkittles @kinyonga @AmandaS
Good that she laid them!
By controlling her temperatures and feedings you can lower the number of eggs she'll produce and maybe even stop reproduction altogether....so she'll live longer, be less likely to become eggbound or suffer from a number of other health issues that veileds producing large clutches face.

Feed her well for a couple of feedings and then cut her back to about 4 crickets two or three times a week. (You can use other insects besides crickets but you want to keep the calories the same.) Basking temperature should be at 80F.
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