46 eggs, and a near death experience...


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Well some of you know that my female Veiled Caddie was laying her eggs on Friday.. the sire is a 2 y/o male named Captain, we finally have some good pics of him I will upload later. I had prepared her the perfect laying bin and had it in a private spot. She was down in this hole all day! When I left for work in the morning and when I got home at 5:30. When I checked when I got home i could see her doing what looked like covering them up but she was still down in the hole all I could see was her little tail sticking out. I was getting a little worried becasue the ambient temp in the room was up higher than the usual 75 we can keep it at in the day, It was around 88 because of the heat wave. Well I left her alone for about an hour and half and came back to see if she had finished burying them... and all i see is about an inch her tail sticking out of the dirt.. the soil dried up at the end and collapsed on her. I literally freaked out and realized what had probably just happened... I grabbed as much sand as I could so i was sure not hurt her accidentally all pulled her out...:( She literally flopped motionless onto my hand, I start brushing her off and I tried to feel for a heart beat. While at the same time i tried to blow the sand off of her face...As I blew on her she snapped out of it and grabbed onto my fingers... I Promptly grabbed a plant and ran to the shower with her... I let her take about a 45 min shower that she seemed to love...Well I got took a deep breath and got her in her cage. And spent forever excavating 46 eggs out of the very bottom of the hug laying bin I made for her. They all look good and are incubating at perfect temps in an unplugged HovaBator in my Closet. I kept a close eye on her and felt to see if I could feel anymore eggs... But nothing... I am going to put her in the bin again tonight just in case... She saw the male for a second and flashed high Gravid colors again...I don't want her to have any left in there. If I cant get her to lay a few more eggs I am getting her to a vet... I was probably taking her anyway to have her checked for impaction... I haven't seen a poop since the scare... But she has been scarfing silkies like a pig, I'm gonna go digging through the plants here in a sec to look for poo so maybe i'll get lucky.

Phew!!! Thought I lost one for a second!

Sorry for the long winded vent there... But nobody else seemed to understand why I was so spent that day... Going through that after a long weeks work can take a toll.

No BS...I thought she was dead in my hands for like 4 seconds, motionless, When she came to it was like someone put smelling salts under her nose, she jumped, I was so relieved. I had talked about another incident on a thread earlier this week as being the scariest thing to ever happen to me with my Chams... But seeing this Female who I have been pampering for so many months, and who is one of the most friendly Veileds I have ever handled go through that was pretty tough. Anyway... All is good... Momma is happy... And the buns are in the oven...Someone told me at the pet store the other day... "Breeding chameleons is easy!" I told them "If it's easy, you're not doing it right."

Thanks for reading, I finally got my computer back up!

Hi Joe,

I had a female almost do the same thing, when she was finished I put her on her tree and she was walking a little then she fell to the cage floor, she ended up being ok. I think that laying eggs just takes a toll on them, especially If that was her first clutch. It wasn't my females first, but she was about 3 1/2 years old. I think you said something like she was showing gravid colors to the male? I think It would be because she just laid those eggs, I would still put her in the bucket just in case. Hope shes fine... shes a beautiful girl.

Thanks a lot guys... Defiantly was scary... I was being careful to give her the privacy she needed... but if I wouldn't have checked when I did it would have been bad. I am happy that she had such a nice looking clutch!!
Joe -

One heck of a story! I'm glad things are going well now. Nice to see your pcs back up as well. I'll get a hold of you tomorrow about the Nosy getting out to you. All is good and hopefully a few months down the line your going to have some great little ones crawling around!
That super soil sure does hold well. Might try adding that or just using it next time.

Glad everytihing worket out...and this heat wave is killing me. my ac is broke and the managment co cant fix till tomorrow. The eggs I have were almost up to 80 degrees and I turned off all heat lamps for the day today.

It should cool down in the next few days though.
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