3 month Jackson Chameleon has spots


There seems to be a few black spots on my Chameleon. Is this something to worry about or is it just pigmentation due to him being a bit stressed? I hope it is something that will go away soon. He also has his eyes closed even though it isn't dark out yet.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson Chameleon, male, 3-4 months. Been in my care for about 2 hours.
Handling - Only to move him to his enclosure, or when I need to clean his cage (not yet) and once to attempt to give him a better view of the cricket in hand. Not too often with handling though.
Feeding - Haven't fed him anything yet, but when he does, small crickets that seem the perfect size for him, about the width of his head. I plan to feed him 4 - 6 crickets a day, and they are healthy crickets.
Supplements - Exoterra. Calcium, powdered on crickets twice a week. Multivitamin, powder on crickets once a month?
Watering - I mist VERY often to ensure the humidity is always around 70%, and I have seen him drinking off of the leaves, and trying to from my spray bottle when it was having water droplets. lol rather cute.
Fecal Description - As I just got him today, have not seen anything like this.
History - Came from a breeder in Texas, btpets.com. The breeder seems to know what he is doing and has shipped hundreds of Chameleons before. Some people here seem to have gotten their Jackson Chameleons from him.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoomed screen cage, 18x18x36.
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0, Zoomed 60w Daylight Blue bulb. Both are on 10-12 hours during day, off all night.
Temperature - Temperature at basking spot around 82 degrees fahrenheit. Restof the cage around 75 or so in fahrenheit, and the temperature drops to about 70 degrees fahrenheit at night time. Measured with thermometer from Petco.
Humidity - 60 - 70 Percent. Misting with spray bottle very often. Measured with humidity gauger from Petco.
Plants - Live Croton, codiaem hybrid
Placement - Cage about 58 inches off ground, on a sort of dresser (more of cubby holes though) and next to some gaming consoles and a television, that do not affect the temperature. Also next to a window, but blinds generally closed.
Location - California.

Current Problem - A few dark blotches or spots, and his eyes are closed, although it is only 6:26 PM.
Black blotches on a Jackson is usually an indication of stress, yes.

And since you only got him a few hours ago, if he wan't stressed after being in a dark box for many hours, that would be a reason for concern!

Give a few days to settle in.

one a side note; i just ordered another jackson form this seller for the first time yesterday. Did it come by fedex or ups..? :)
@Bush Baby It came through express mail, United States Postal Service...

What did you order, small, medium or large? Mine is small. I don't know how to upload pictures here, but I did in my album. Would you take a look there and tell me what you think of his coloration? Also, what of his eyes being closed? (although they are open now)
Shipping is pretty stressful. Add to that a completely new surrounding - of course he's stressed, and probably tired too. My panther often goes to his sleeping spot as early as 6:00 and settles down. Give him some time to get used to his surroundings and recover from the adventure of being shipped.
He's a cutie, those look like stress colors to me. Do you have enough foliage for him to hide and feel secure? That would help. Also, hard to tell in your pics, but do you have enough branches for him to move around in the cage? Multiple horizontal and vertical branches so he has different levels to choose from would be great.
I looked at your album - cute little guy! I do not have experience with Jackson's, but I think he looks okay, probably just a bit stressed from his adventure today :) Are there live plants and places for him to hide in the cage so he feels safe?
@MelissaB and @mabrams Yes he has quite a bit of stuff to hide in, which he has been hiding in quite often earlier today lol. He blends in quite well. I have a fake vine from petco, one real stick from outside, one stick from Petco and another fake Exoterra jungle plant, amapallo Large. Not only that, but a live Croton (codiaem hybrid) right in the centre. It definitely seems like enough to me for him to hide in. Take another look at my almbum, I just uploaded another picture, this time of his enclosure.
The cage looks good Silverwolf! Give him some space and some quiet to get used to it. One thing I didn't see - do you have a UVB light?
@mabrams Yes, reptisun 5.0 It is in a dual dome. So it holds on day light blue 60w basking bulb, and then on the other side of the dome, a UVB bulb. That should be good right?

Also, should I leave the television off at night? I am usually up at night time so I will try to leave him as undisturbed as possible (although I am concerned of when he will eat), would it be okay for me to cover part of the cage with a blanket so light does enter there, so if the television was on he could still have 10 - 12 hours of darkness for sleep?
@Bush Baby It came through express mail, United States Postal Service...

What did you order, small, medium or large? Mine is small. I don't know how to upload pictures here, but I did in my album. Would you take a look there and tell me what you think of his coloration? Also, what of his eyes being closed? (although they are open now)

I ordered small also. Supposed to here tomorrow.

Took a look at your pic. He looks great, although smaller Jackson's tend to have more of a blotched coloration than older ones; either way, he looks fine.
Awesome. Keep me updated on yours, I'd like to see how yours looks as well. Maybe we can help eachother out with raising them. :) :D Can I see a photograph of your enclosure? There is one of mine in my album.
@mabrams Yes, reptisun 5.0 It is in a dual dome. So it holds on day light blue 60w basking bulb, and then on the other side of the dome, a UVB bulb. That should be good right?

Also, should I leave the television off at night? I am usually up at night time so I will try to leave him as undisturbed as possible (although I am concerned of when he will eat), would it be okay for me to cover part of the cage with a blanket so light does enter there, so if the television was on he could still have 10 - 12 hours of darkness for sleep?

That Reptisun 5.0 should be good! I think covering at least the side nearest the TV at night is a good idea - my cham doesn't go to sleep if it's bright in the room.
I followed your footsteps and uploaded pics into an album. Excuse the quality..it's an older camera.

I've been keeping chams for almost 20 years and this is probably the liveliest cham i have ever unboxed. Usually they're asleep or docile when you open the box, but this one literally dove out the the plastic container he was in and ran across my carpet before i snatched him up! Luckily i unboxed on the floor.

Anyhow, i sprayed the enclosure well before putting him in and as soon as i placed him in, he began drinking...also, as i'm typing this i just saw him snag himself a good sized free range cricket - which i had gutloaded for the past two days with turnip greens and cricket crack!
Awesome! I will take alook at your album now. I wish, Tricky would eat, but still nothing. My cage is a bit too big I'm afraid for free ranging right now, but I will try putting some in a cup and see if there's any luck that way.
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