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  1. jacksontrident

    Wierd bump on jaw

    As you can see, my male jacksons chameleon has a strange growth on his jaw. I give him insects dusted with vitamins and calcium. He drink and eats woderfully, but i am wondering if it will soon be a problem. Any advice would be great!
  2. jacksontrident

    Getting new cham! :D

    Hello everyone! This summer i am getting a new chameleon and i just want to hear some of your guy's prefrences. I have a jacksons and he is stubborn but i love the guy haha. I am debating between a veiled an ambilobe or an ambanja. I would like to be able to occasionally take him out of his...
  3. jacksontrident

    Dubia roaches?

    I have a colony of dubia feeders for my tortises and bearded dragon. Could i feed the smaller juvenilles to my jacksons as a kind of staple instead of crickets?
  4. jacksontrident

    Building a new cage!

    Hello everyone! This summer i am going to be building a new cage for a Male Ambilobe Panther Cham and i would like some advice on my dimensions. Would a 4'6" by 4' by 2' be large enough for him?
  5. jacksontrident

    Shaking a chameleon?!!??

    I just walked in on my fucking little brother shaking my chameleon! He was aggressively and violently shaking him up and down. I grabbed my chameleon and punched my brother as hard as I could. When I asked him why he was doing it he said that he was trying to make him dizzy! Will he be okay?!?
  6. jacksontrident

    Xanth Jackson

    I have an 8-9 month old jackson for sale. No price set! So best offer gets him! +shipping
  7. jacksontrident

    Easier spiecies???

    Okay i know, rule #1. No chameleon is ever EASY to take care of, but which, in your personal opinion, is easier? Jacksons or panthers?
  8. jacksontrident

    Rubbing on side of enclosure?

    My jacksons cham frequently rubs his horns and some of his side up against the side of his cage. But the strange thing is, is that he only does it when he is on the ground??? Wierd huh? Any thoughts?
  9. jacksontrident

    Jelly poo?

    Hello my jacksons just had a normal brown poop, but his urine was almost like a jelly! What the hell is that?
  10. jacksontrident

    Low humid holding?

    I really want to take my jacksons outside for some natural light, but i live in denver where it is 10-20 percent humidity in the summer. Is it okay if i take him outside for half an hour?
  11. jacksontrident

    What plants are good?

    I'm looking for a plant that is small enough to be in an 18x18x24?
  12. jacksontrident

    Jacksons vs. panthers

    I have a jacksons and done my homework on them.but what are your guys's prefrences? What's the 'better' spieces?
  13. jacksontrident

    Jacksons behaviour?

    I have an 11 month old jacksons cham, and he never hisses, gapes etc. but he doesnt enjoy being held, looked at etc. Is this unusual? And he almost always is this color: Any suggestions?
  14. jacksontrident

    Does my jacksons look healthy?

    In the last picture, he is more upset than usual. But is this a 'normal' color for jacksons to be all the time?
  15. jacksontrident

    Jacksons prefer more cover?

    I was wondering if i should get a new cage and a ficus plant or keep the enclosure how it is? I'll upload picsmlater today :)
  16. jacksontrident

    Effects of humidity?

    What are the effects of too low humity and too high? (especially on jacksons)
  17. jacksontrident

    Cage for jacksons?

    I have a 10 inch jacksons in an 18 by 18 by 24 cage right now. I dont have too much foliage or cover for him because i wanted him to have space. He eats drinks thermoregulates normally, but he always seems unhappy! I would gladly build a cage or buy a bigger one but i just don't have the money...
  18. jacksontrident

    Jacksons always unhappy??? :(

    I have had my jacksons male cham for about a month and a half, and it eating drinking etc. normally, but his dark coloring suggests that he is always upset! He never hisses, gapes, or anything like that at me! Why is he never bright green like he should be?!?
  19. jacksontrident

    Age of jacksons?

    I have a 8.5 inch long male jacksons and i was wondering how i can tell his age? And also, at what age can i safely feed him meal worms?
  20. jacksontrident

    Help with jackson's

    This is a picture of my chameleons stool/urate. It is almost jelly like with white and orange stuff in the bottom of it. HELP please!!!
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