Recent content by Shinybeetles

  1. S

    Incubation Duration

    Hi All, There are 47 in total and all are currently hatching right now, heads popping out. Tonight I have had 7 hatch and start climbing! Yes it is rather a worry for one main reason, will I manage to get them all good owners? I hope so. Feeding them will be expensive but they tend to...
  2. S

    Incubation Duration

    Would you believe they are all hatching, soon as I posted the above! Does anyone know if you should sray the eggs when they are hatching (lightly) or just leave them alone?
  3. S

    Incubation Duration

    Hi, what's the longest time veiled cham eggs can go before hatching? Mine are 7 months old now, still pearly white, they are definitely fertile. The tempertaure dropped a few nights in a row down to 67/68 and I've since set them up in an incubator but I don't think it did them any harm as they...
  4. S

    Goodbye to a great pet

    Thanks guys, it's funny, I didn't think I would be sad, I keep lots of other reptiles but I think this one was particularly special. Chameleons seem to have an intelligence about them that other reptiles don't seem to have in quite the same way. I think she had a pretty good life, she will...
  5. S

    Goodbye to a great pet

    My female Yemen died today, I'm very sad. I've had her for about 3 years. It's amazing how attached I got to her (though obviously they don't have the capacity to become 'attached' to a human...or another chameleon) but she was very tolerant of me and seemed to not be in any way worried about...
  6. S

    Breeding Panthers

    Thanks, that's great. I believe they lay a lot less eggs, is this correct?
  7. S


    You won't see anything inside the eggs for months so I wouldn't bother looking till about 3 months.
  8. S

    Breeding Panthers

    I have experience breeding Yemens, and would very much like to move to panthers but have no experience there. Having kept Yemens for a long time I know exactly what mood they are in from their colors and also their breeding cycle. My question is, are panthers and yemens similar in their...
  9. S

    vermiculite mixture question

    A really good way to sort this problem is to get a big wadge of paper towels in a bunch and push them down hard on the wet vermiculite, press hard for about 30/60 seconds until any excess water has been absorbed, when you have finished, stir it up a bit and it should be just right! Works for...
  10. S

    Egg air-pocket

    A question that has puzzled me, eggs obviously need to be kept the right way up so that the embryo doesn't drown, but do they have to be placed EXACTLY in the same position they were laid OR is it that - as long as they are roughly facing the same way up it's ok
  11. S

    Vieled moprhs?

    Seeing as everyone else has had a say I might as well throw my opinion in! I think it's much nicer to have the real genuine article and strive for the best examples of them. I can understand those that want to find 'uniqueness' by finding the most vivid color variations and patterns, but to...
  12. S


    My yemen female layed 57 eggs almost exactly two months ago. Since then however she has not once been receptive to the male (they are not housed together). She flashes the sual black with turquoise spots and gapes. What is the normal period for becoming receptive again after laying in Yemens?
  13. S

    carpet eggs red blobs?

    They were laid about 2 months ago. I'll try to post a picture. I'm not convinced these are going to hatch, but I could be wrong, why would the shells get blotches on them? They were on clean moss
  14. S

    carpet eggs red blobs?

    I also have a clutch of carpet eggs that I kept in moss. The shells of the eggs developed a few brown blotches underneath and tiny black spots here and there over the surfaces of the shell. I thought they were almost certainly duds but I kept them anyway just in case. Anyway, I had a look...
  15. S

    Yemen eggs

    Hi, another question about yemen eggs I'm afraid.... I have a clutch of 56 eggs, they are now over a month old, they are all plump and white (though all covered in a lightdusting of sand and soil). I took a couple out a few days ago to have a look at them under a pen light, at the moment...
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