Recent content by lindawaz

  1. lindawaz

    New guy/girl?

    The Glands along the bottom side of the back legs look raised to me. ( femoral pores) if so you have a male if you google the femoral pores bearded dragons images you will see a bunch :)
  2. lindawaz

    How to ensure your vet is Qualified?

    It is also better to "interview" the vet before you need them and have a wellness check up if they pass the test. This way they have a record of your Healthy Cham and you have established them as a patient of that vet :)
  3. lindawaz

    Veiled Chameleon not eating or laying eggs , PLEASE HELP ??

    Just in case here is Jannb's blog link My Lily stops eating for almost a week then lays
  4. lindawaz

    Too old to attempt handling?.....

    I would say to try it. Long term memory can not be that good- I can't remember what I had for breakfast and now that he is "old" maybe he has this problem too! Since he has not been bothered and sees you more as not a threat just hat thing- give it a whirl can not be any worse and maybe...
  5. lindawaz

    Newbie needs advice

    Welcome to the forums :) I am not adding anything since you have a great base and a lot of reading to do. or maybe just this FAQ's
  6. lindawaz

    Introduction and a quick question

    I have 2 beardies and 1 Cham- none of their poo's smell. Lily's the chams had an odor when she had Coccidia. Now that is cleared up no smell. What are you feeding the beardies to make the poo smell? have you had them tested for parasites?
  7. lindawaz


    Baycox has no side affects either. It also KILLS rather than having the parasites pass. Less chance of reinfection. I used this on Lily and after the one treatment - she tested clean and has tested clean 2 more times. tests 3 months apart. I changed her plants once I started the meds...
  8. lindawaz

    coccidia help!

    see if your Vet can get Baycox great for Coccidia and Lily had no ill affects from it
  9. lindawaz

    On the right track!!

    Good luck to you and Po! I hope everything finally turns out well :)
  10. lindawaz

    Health clinic Stickies!!

    This would be a great improvement to our health clinic! making things easier for everyone is awesome!!
  11. lindawaz

    Mr. Bojangles.

    Congratulations to you and Bo jangles! may you have a healthy life together. May you also be allowed to keep all your fingers and toes!:D:):D
  12. lindawaz

    Wont eat superworms

    are they small enough? Maybe put them on the screen of the cage- just be careful you watch them. If they go down find the dirt they will bury themselves and become the beetle
  13. lindawaz

    new pictures of skin proboem ppz look

    Love this! Glad you went and got wat you needed to keep your Cham healthy. :D:D:D
  14. lindawaz

    Wont eat superworms

    Maybe she knows they are not the best feeder.....:rolleyes:
  15. lindawaz

    I'm So Excited!

    Congratulations and good luck with your new baby:D:):D:)
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