Recent content by g schrock

  1. g schrock

    Evergreen plants?

    ficus is not an evergreen (they will die in freezes), and that one doesn't look too good... id get a new plant imo. and you can never know what he/she will / will not eat... my husky wont stop eating socks >< so better safe than sorry in the long run...
  2. g schrock


    the zip drip things is a waste of money :) dont need it, whats wrong with a little bit of dripping?
  3. g schrock

    Before and after :)

    Here's some pics of my setup before and after my dad helped me put in a drainage system (yes i know the bucket is upside down, the caulking still needs to dry before I'll 100% trust it on its own.) I'm ordering a mist-king tonight, so once it gets here, I'll be ready to go for it. :D thank you...
  4. g schrock

    what do you put on top of the dirt for potted plants?

    i was just wondering peoples ideas for what you put on top of the dirt for the plants in your cham's habitat. i was thinking about rocks or maybe hydroballs?
  5. g schrock

    anybody use zoomed's hygrotherm?

    it went reduced to clear at petsmart and picked it up for $30... anybody use it at all? its supposed to run a mister whenever the humidity drops, which would be nice... i haven't opened it at all (i don't even have a mister) and i don't know if it would work with a mist king or not.
  6. g schrock

    hanging potted plants?

    i read on here the other day (real quick, and i dont remember who it was) about someone who hung his plants to remove clutter on the bottom of the cage. I have the typical zoomed screen cage, and i cant think of how to hang the plants off the screen? would i run a support bar along the top...
  7. g schrock

    Does this have D3 in it?

    it does not contain D3. you should not be giving D3 daily anyways. calcium w/o D3 - daily multivitamin - 2x a month. sometimes bumped to 3-4x a month calcium w/ D3 - 2x a month.
  8. g schrock

    Does this have D3 in it?

    it does not
  9. g schrock

    Quick supplement question. (Fluker's)

    dont do the D3 every day, do it 2x a month along with a multivitamin, find a calcium w/o D3 (they're out there) online is usually the best place, and use that as your daily duster. (sometimes you have to up the multivitamin to once a week, depending on how young the guy is)
  10. g schrock

    Girls Day out

    win... (i know your kidding, but that would be awesome), have them change color on command too :)
  11. g schrock

    Some gutloading questions

    heres a link to when i asked the question and got a lot of good info: I like to change what i do up every now and again, and since the food usually spoils before i use it all, i just buy something different the next time. Ive been doing a...
  12. g schrock

    Something about nails ?

    this would make sense, shes allergic to 90% of the things on an allergy test, so being allergic to a chameleon wouldn't surprise me. maybe try an anti-alergy cream like benedryl?
  13. g schrock

    Something about nails ?

    my girlfriend has the same issue, and i have no problem what so ever, she has super-sensitive skin as well so it could just be that. Is there anything that you have found works well, she just washes her hand and arm after handling? i'd love to pass the info onto her
  14. g schrock


    I used some dawn, and went out and got him a critter keeper w/ some fake plants, there's no way i could keep him out of the cage, ive got husky's :D they leave him alone, but i dont know what my dogs would do if they ever went face to face... i dont want to find out either i dont think that...
  15. g schrock

    Does anyone have any experience with reptaid?

    I was wondering if anybody has used reptaid before? its supposed to be an all natural antibacterial and anti-parasite. i was wondering if anybody had any results or issues with it before i give it a shot.
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