Little Melonia and La Coka Noestra


New Member
Hi guys, I've read a few threads regarding white powdery/crusty substance in and around the nostril of chams. Heres a pic, and I'm still wondering what it could be...? Salt excretion, vitamin residue? I know its not a scale, it wasn't there yesterday and I have not fed her any feeders that were dusted in the last 2 day.. Any Ideas?? :confused:

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It takes time to flush out the excess vitamins - its definatly his attempt at the over-supplimentation. Make sure he gets plenty of water the next few days, and keep laying off the dusting.

Give em a few showers this week as well - modify how much you are putting on the crickets - they dont have to be ghosts! A little goes a long way, and reduce how many you are dusting as well - try 1/3 of his intake.
Thanks, I was told by the breeder 3x a week with cal/D3 and once a week with herptivite..:confused: So, over suplementation??
Yeah, Over-supplementing most likely. I drop about 8-14 in a zip-lock and dust them, then it basically shake and bake ghost crickets. The crickets are shared by her neighbor Tango (he's at least twice her size). I figured it might be too much but wasn't sure.
Definatly just using to much is all. Just adjust your amount - only need a TINY PINCH, you should hardly even see the dust on the crickets.

A general rule of thumb is that if you can see dust raising up and floating around in the bag after you dusted, you used way to much.

Just keep em super hydrated for the next week. He will be fine in no time, just needs to flush it all out.
So, do Chameleons have an excretion gland in the nasal cavity? I was just courious as to how and why it accumulates ot the nostrils?
I wouldn't use that much calcium w/d3. I use calcium without 3 times weekly, hertivite twice monthly and calcium wd3 once a month. Everyone has their own schedules but I think all would agree your dusting too much w d3
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