Eye Cleaning - Freaky pics!!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Last night just before lights out Amy was all settled in her roosting spot and I noticed that her eyes were really huge and bulging, like she was cleaning them (when they fill them out rather than blinking). :eek: They looked so wierd and freaky - almost like she had ears sticking out the side of her head! She slept like it too with them all big and blown up, but they were back to normal this morning, much to my relief! I have seen chams do this before, but not to such an extent and for so long as this! What with Tommy almost choking on a locust and now Amy and her eyeballs, I am having a rather stressful week so far! Chams, eh?!:rolleyes:


When I was little my first veiled would clean his eyes out and it scared the poop out of me! I thought he was trying to pop his eyeball out of the turret! I still don't like watching them clean their eyes.
One of the things I love about mornings is watching chams clean their eyes as I mist them. Something about it always fascinates me. But they do need to stop and get back to normal. Staying like that for a while would be scary.
Anyone remember those little rubber toys that you squeezed and their eyes bulged out?:p

Yes! I have my very own real life chameleon version! :p Lol! I was very glad that they were back to normal this morning though, or I would've been worried about her!
Lol, those pics made me laugh, bless amy. I've never seen that before, kinda freaky. Thanks for sharing, if you hadn't and mia's eyes did that i would of thought something was wrong with her and got her to the vets. :eek: you learn something new every day. :D
oh man! One of my pygmies was doing that and I thought her eye was going to explode. It freaked me out for a long time.
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