Boiling eggs

So, you want to boil an egg or two and your just not sure exactly how to go about it.
No fear!
Here I will explain the proper way to boil an egg.

First, you need to figure out how many eggs you want to boil. I like to have two at a time myself.

After you have that figured out, you must decide on a pot to boil them in. The pot should allow all eggs to fit into the bottom, with a little room to move around. The pot should be at least twice the height of the eggs.

After you have that settled, you want to fill the pot with water, enough to cover the eggs and then some. Id recommend having at least 2" of water on top of the eggs.
The water should be cold

You will then take your pot of eggs and cold water and place it on the stove. Turn the heat on high.

Then you will have to wait awhile. The more eggs you are boiling, the longer this step is likely to take. Eventually, the water will boil.
Contrary to popular belief, a watched pot does boil, and I actually recommend watching it.

The reason you are watching it, is that as soon as the water boils you want to start a timer.

...but wait, what exactly constitutes boiling?

When the water has bubbles coming up from the bottom of the pot, the water is boiling. You dont need to wait for a full-rolling boil to start your timer. If its bubbling more than a tiny bit, you are fine.

Set the timer for 10 earth-minutes.

If you are using a shallow pot, or if the pot is quite full, you may want to reduce the heat a bit to keep it from boiling over.
I do not.

You then have those 10 minutes to do whatever you like, provided you are in ear-shot of the timer.

When your timer goes off, your eggs are cooked. :)

You then want to turn off the stove, and remove the pot to the sink.

Pour out all the water from the pot, and start cold water running over them.
This will cool them down, and make the de-shelling easier.

You can then start the de-shelling process.

To de-shell a boiled egg, you want to tap it on your kitchen counter (or other hard, clean surface). You should tap it all over, until the eggs shell is broken up all over the egg. The egg shell should just fall right off.
If it does not, pinch the shell, and tear it, it should then fall off.

You are then ready to eat your eggs. :)

I like to enjoy mine cut in half, with salt and pepper on top(heavy on the pepper).
I find a few pieces of toast and jam goes great with them, as well as all types of juice.


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