What Is The Best and Easiest Feeder to Breed


New Member
i want to start breeding something that is healthy for my chams i only breed crickets now so i would like some info on how some members breed other feeders, and what they use to do this Thanks
i want to start breeding something that is healthy for my chams i only breed crickets now so i would like some info on how some members breed other feeders, and what they use to do this Thanks

If you click "Search" and type in the feeder you are interested in, you'll find tons of results. For instance I searched "superworms" and there's lots of information on how to raise those, you can search "rolly pollies" on google and there's information on how to raise those (they appear to be really easy to raise, I've debated it myself but haven't gotten to it yet) I think on here they are called "pill bugs" ?

I'd say pick a new feeder you think you would like to try out, and use not only this site but google as well to find different ways people have done so.
I never had luck breeding crickets! And they are so cheap, it just made more sense to buy them. Dubia roaches are probably the easiest thing to start a colony with, though I had my share of frustrations with those, too. The best trick for me seemed to be neglect! The more I fussed with them, the worse they produced.

I have started to breed my own silkworms, because in my area I cant just go down to a store and buy some. Ive just got a petco and petsmart and they dont sell silkworms. Silkworms are great as a staple diet with crickets. They are natually good for the cham. You dont gutload these. The only con to silkworms is they will only eat malberry leaves or silkworm chow that is made by the farms you buy them from. The biggest pro to them is they do NOT stink like crickets do. They dont make any noise and they take care of them selfs. You just feed and clean poop. Also when they lay their eggs you can keep some in the frige and take them out later when you need them to hatch. Of course Im just telling you some highlights. There is alot more info you will need. I use www.silkwormshop.com I really like them. Never had any problems. Also their site has lots of info on it.
Here is a picture of one of my silkworms in his cocoon. He just finished it yesterday.
Id go with Dubias, they are also a good staple and ive heard that they arent that hard to keep, and they dont smell or make noise like crickets. Im gonna start up a colony hopefully soon :D
I agree that dubias are great. I wouldn't say they don't make noise necessarily though... you can hear them scratch the sides of their container when they're walking around sometimes. They're not as bad as crickets though. They can't climb smooth surfaces, fly, or jump. If some escape, they won't be able to breed unless you keep your home at tropical temperatures, and it's easy to prevent escape. On top of all that, they are better for your cham than crickets :)
I'm another fan of dubias. You can control how much they multiply easily, by adjusting temperature. Mine have just a light bulb, no heat pad, and they are breeding, but not much. If I need more dubias as my chams grow, I'll add a heat pad. Adults live over a year, and they will eat just about anything. I've forgotten to feed and water them for days and they don't die.

I think the only downside is getting them to wiggle so that your chams will eat them. In a feeder cup they hold very still, which is not appetizing to the cham. I have had success with placing them on the screen near my cham. They crawl upward and get zapped quickly that way.
Chalk another one up for dubia roaches. i'm just starting my luck at getting an indian walking stick colony going as they sound like a very easy to raise feeder as well.
i want to start breeding something that is healthy for my chams i only breed crickets now so i would like some info on how some members breed other feeders, and what they use to do this Thanks
Most roaches are pretty easy to breed. I rarely do anything with my turks and they are breeding like mad... though you sometimes have to trade sanity for hardiness.
Roaches are very easy to breed. We have Dubia and Turks. Superworms are also easy but it takes a long time.
Another Dubia fan. They are very easy to breed. I have a colony that is over three years old. I supply the local reptile store and many friends. Great feeders and easy to multiply. Only problem is I have to wear a mask to handle them, otherwise I'm sneezing for awhile.
OFF TOPIC: I had a nightmare last night that dubias took over my entire bedroom, they were in my bed, sheets, covered the floor. In it, I grabbed my turtle and for some reason I had two chameleons (I only own one in real life) and they were so overwhelmed they didn't eat any. It was horrible!! I'm a dubia fan but that dream was pretty freaky.

I blame this thread and the fact that I watched several episodes of Hoarders yesterday, hahahaha!:p
OFF TOPIC: I had a nightmare last night that dubias took over my entire bedroom, they were in my bed, sheets, covered the floor. In it, I grabbed my turtle and for some reason I had two chameleons (I only own one in real life) and they were so overwhelmed they didn't eat any. It was horrible!! I'm a dubia fan but that dream was pretty freaky.

I blame this thread and the fact that I watched several episodes of Hoarders yesterday, hahahaha!:p

LOL i watch that show sometimes, its rediculous what you find under all that junk and garbage. Weird dream though haha you may need more than 2 chams to deal with that dubia infestation, CHAMELEON OWNERS UNITE!
OFF TOPIC: I had a nightmare last night that dubias took over my entire bedroom, they were in my bed, sheets, covered the floor. In it, I grabbed my turtle and for some reason I had two chameleons (I only own one in real life) and they were so overwhelmed they didn't eat any. It was horrible!! I'm a dubia fan but that dream was pretty freaky.

I blame this thread and the fact that I watched several episodes of Hoarders yesterday, hahahaha!:p

Ha. I used to have similar dreams when I kept fish. I'd dream that my fish tank broke and all the fish are out on the floor and me desperately trying to save them.
I heard dubia breeders are developing bad allergic reactions to Dubia/Roaches. Something about dealing with millions of roaches seems to have some type of adverse effect on the immune system.
I heard dubia breeders are developing bad allergic reactions to Dubia/Roaches. Something about dealing with millions of roaches seems to have some type of adverse effect on the immune system.

I have several thousand discoid roaches, and have to be very careful about how much I mess with them for this exact reason. I think I probably had the allergy even before i started to breed them, but it is quite bad now. But, like someone else said before, the less you fuss with them, the better they do!

As a side comment about the aquarium dream, we had it happen in real life, a few years ago we woke up and our 225 gallon salt tank had cracked all the way across the back....oh, and the tank was built into the wall!!!! What a disaster!
** any insect is easy to breed if you know how to breed them


** any insect is healthy if you properly give them a healthy gutload


** good luck :)
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