Youtube Health Video

Hello everyone please check out my recent video on youtube and see if my chameleon looks healthy or sick. I think everyone with youtube accounts on here should do it if they wanna hear if any other chameleon owners think about the condition of your chameleon. Please comment and tell me what you think.

If you don't have an account and just wanna watch it here is the link:
From what I can see in the video, she looks healthy and well fed. The video was a little shaky, so it was hard to focus on her.
Your baby looks good, and so does the cage. I didn't see the uvb light. All I saw was the round one at the top. What kind of UVB do you have? Overall great job, better than lots of people twice you age, you may be another Chris Anderson in the making.:) We can always use more like Chris.

I was going to post the same thing as laurie, what UVB bulb do you use?
I'm sure it's corect as we briefly spoke before, but just wanted to ask.

if you see a white spot on the skin of your cham, it's likely to shed the next day.

sofar, I feel that you are doing a great job with her and you should be proud of yourself.
keep it up.

also, please post a link to your youtube video's home page or myspace (forgot what you use) in your signiture so that members can view your stuf at anytime in the future.

above all, what a great job you are doing.

I am using compact bulbs and i really dont know how to convince my dad to get a repti sun. He says when the compacts burn out, i guess my only hope is to burn them out
I am using compact bulbs and i really dont know how to convince my dad to get a repti sun. He says when the compacts burn out, i guess my only hope is to burn them out

you know, looking at your cage again, it seems to need a good deep cleaning.
I'm sure all will agree with this.

just be careful when you remove your lights, as if you don't you may drop them on the floore, and I'll bet that they will break into a million pieces. ;)

it would be a shame if she would have to go without some UVB for a few days untill some new bulbs can be perchased. so be carefull. :rolleyes:

I agree that the cage could be tidied up a little.

I see you put a thermometer on the bottom of the cage. How are you measuring her basking temperature at the top of the cage?
Looks pretty good Clea, how do you give the little cham water? I guess you mist in there? Thats ok as long as the white part of the poo is mostly white. Later when he starts to get bigger a dripper might be better but for now, well done.

Show Dad the link about uv light and explain its not good for little chams eyes.
Maybe remind Him that should something go wrong a vet visit may be more expensive than a long tube Uv light and that only need buy a UV tube once every 6 months to a year.

The cham looks pretty healthy, nice straight legs, straight spine and casque, eyes are normal and his color looked good too. :)
while I was just giving an idea to use to get new bulbs...
I had no idea that you had no idea about the UVB web site link, and the dangers of bad bulbs.

please try once again and be honest with him.
inform him that you don't want to waste his money, and that you are sorry that you are asking for something that can be costly.

a vet bill, and a dead chameion are both far more costly to him, besides all the heartbreake over the matter.

ordering a new bulb and lighthood from LLL is just too cheap compared to the alternitives.
and once ordered, you can remove the lights you have right now. it wont be a problem at all.
you can always let your cham free range on your back porch or patio for some sunlight.

Compact bulbs blind chameleons.
Blind chameleons can not eat.
Chameleons who cannot eat, die.

Now that makes it seem like any chameleon that has a compact on it for any amount of time will go blind and die...

Yes they are bad, but i do not believe that short term exposure will cause irreversible damage. The above website does say that most problems that resulted did go away after the compact was removed. Noticed i did say most, there were some cases where the damage was irreversible.

By no means am I advocating the use of compacts, i just don't want you to make him think that his chameleon is going to go blind and die if he does not get a linear tube tomorrow...

BTW, your chameleon looks good :)
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