Your Opinion....On an Egg Laying Site..


Avid Member
OKay..I would like to know everyone's opinion on setting up a females cage with a laying bin "Inside" of it, this was she has access to it at all times...Or just having a big bin "Trash Can" like laying source outside for when she's ready to lay...and if you use an outside source how do you arrange for her to lay her eggs when ready..?? Do you leave here in there for the day, then put her back in the evening, then repeat the process untill she's done? I currently have a BIG bowl like laying bin for my girl, it's about a foot tall and a foot wide, I'm having trouble keeping it clean and water free...I'm trying to find an easier way to go through this process with out putting any stress on my female....Let me know what you guys do for your chams all opinions wanted!

Thanks :)
I use a 15quart tub inside her cage with a mix of soil and sand. I also put some sphagnum moss on top of the soil/sand mix. She has laid 3 clutches in the last year without any issues. I have a pothos in her cage so I keep a couple of the vines draped over the laying bin so she has easy access. Dimensions of the tub are 10" wide x 15" long x 10" tall. The tub was like $4 from walmart.
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