
Ive noticed mine doign what looks like yawning.... Unless hes just being mad and opening his mouth then just shuting it like a yawn XD
hm this is wierd. i just saw my cham yawn less than 10 minutes ago.
i was hand feeding mealworms, she LOVES them, and she ironically yawned.
i thought it was funny. was a pretty big yawn, her colours got brighter as soon as she did
hahaha. this is too funny. mine usually does this around 3 pm. everyday is such a busy day in the eyes of a cham. lol:D
So funny...I was so totally going to post this same question. I've had my cham for 2 weeks now, and was positive it was a 'yawn'. Hubby kept saying no, it's just gaping/cooling off....Well, I have two beardies who gape to cool off, and this didn't look like that at all...It was like a human yawn!...wide open mouth, then a bit stretch open further then immediatly closed. No way is this the gaping behavior. And no anger/fear either as I had just walked in the room in the a.m. after his lights popped on, and wasn't very close to him...

Regardless, it's pretty cute to see.:D
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