WTF is this bug?

They make an appearance in a lot of nature videos. I have seen them mentioned on PBS shows before. They are pretty mean little buggers, but interesting.
We get lots of Tarantulas in the Santa Clarita Valley so I see them every now and then. The last one I saw was flying around our lawn as I was mowing. She never bothered me as I never attacked her. We just went about our business. I think she was looking for water and the dog bowls are perfect for that.
I know this is an old post but I just went on The Field Museum of Chicago's facebook page and they have a picture of a katydid and a tarantula hawk together. They look very similar only the katydid has longer wings and longer legs.
Scary bug

Ugh! Definitely a nasty bug! One of the few insects of North America that can take down a tarantula!
I live in SoCal too, and my Manx cats love to mess with these, they are almost as scary as mud wasps, mud wasps do the same thing but they live in burrows, so you don't even know where they are, they use caterpillars instead of tarantulas.
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