WTF is this bug?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I have lived in southern California all my life. Caught quite a few wild things.

So I open my front door today and for the first time ever I find this huge (1 1/1" long bug walking around outside my front door.

It is solid black with orange wings. Looks to be a wasp of some type.

No I'm not going to feed it to my Parson. It did cross my mind however.

So WTF is it?


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I live in Southern California and I just saw one of these for my first time about 6 months ago. Its a tarantula Hawk. Don't let it sting you because its supposed to be one of the worst around. Definitely do not feed it to your Cham.
That's a tarantula hawk. Supposedly has the most painful sting in North America. I wouldn't recommend feeding it to anything haha
Tarantula hawk. I see them all the time up here in the desert hills. Used to see them in Tucson AZ even more often. Can be nasty buggers when you water the lawn but since I've cut back on that I don't see them any more.
Not sure if there are many computer gamers on here, but speaking as one I'm pretty sure that was the inspiration behind the Cazador from Fallout: New Vegas, I'm so very happy we don't get them where I live.
I was telling the wife it looked like something I saw on the discovery channel where it hunts tarantulas, paralyzes them and then lays eggs on it which eat it alive when they hatch.. I thought the things were from a different continent however and didn't put two and two together.

Well it looks like this is a job for my can O' "Raid" since I don't want this around the house.

Side note... things must be real bad up in the foothills if these are coming down to where I live

Thanks everybody
I was telling the wife it looked like something I saw on the discovery channel where it hunts tarantulas, paralyzes them and then lays eggs on it which eat it alive when they hatch.. I thought the things were from a different continent however and didn't put two and two together.

To my knowledge, it IS that very insect.

Also, I'd tape a lighter to that can of Raid if I were in your shoes, just for good measure ;)
I'm going to show my kids the wasp first so they know to avoid it, they are always looking for bugs that I may be able to feed the bearded or a cham.

After that, I may just use fire.

Apparently these don't make a hive, otherwise I would need napalm.
Not sure if there are many computer gamers on here, but speaking as one I'm pretty sure that was the inspiration behind the Cazador from Fallout: New Vegas, I'm so very happy we don't get them where I live.

lol I remember those. Golgi sniper rifle handled them well lol
lol I remember those. Golgi sniper rifle handled them well lol

Yeah, or just good ol' running.

Based on what I've read extreme caution should be exercised around these creatures, their sting can measure up to 7mm and their sting is measured among the most painful after the bullet ant.

Tonight on the NBC News.

Man attempts to kill North America's largest Wasp with fire, gets stung and the now on fire wasp flies off and sets his garage on fire. Wasps retaliate and attack neighborhood. National guard called out however kids with pellet guns seem to do the trick.

Actually I let it go out towards the front of the house near my neighbor's bushes and as fast as you can "oh ****" a bluejay swooped down and grabbed it. Nature finds a way.
I'm kinda in shock that there's a large scary insect that DOESN'T live in Florida. We seem to have our share, so please feel free to keep those nasty things out west. And I'm not looking forward to tonight's nightmares, so thanks for that... :D
You have to have tarantulas to have tarantula Hawks, think about it!
Although neither will bother you if you don't grab them.
Born and raised in Arizona where both are abundant.
It is also the state insect of New Mexico.

$h**, ive been living in burque for 4 years now and am so f-ing happy ive never seen those buggers around. I'm usually fine with most insects but large amount of pain because its an A-h*** insect, yah naw, you gon die. lol
Also wanted to let you know our state butterfly is the Sandia Hairstreak Butterfly, which is an amazingly unique butterfly ive never seen before anywhere else.
We may have f-ed up insects but we have a lot of cool ones too lol
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