Wont fire tongue properly after aggression?


New Member
My male veiled got a bit mad with me inside his enclosure today trying to sort things out so after I tried to get back on good terms with him by offering him an nice juicy mealworm. At first he wouldn't take it then when he did he wouldnt shoot his tongue out very far and he gave off a hiss directly after comming into contact with it (as I was holding it in my thumb and finger). He was still showing his colours when I offered it. Could it be he just doesn't trust me atm?
I have a female who does that. She is a gaper and hisser from the word go and after almost a year hasn't gotten friendlier. She does the same thing....will hiss and gape, all the time looking at that super. She will snatch it out of my hand, hissing all the time. I have a sign on her cage that says Ethel, DANGER DANGER. LOL
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