white stuff on plant


Avid Member
This white stuff is getting on my plants....on the back side of the leaves. Any idea what it is or how to get rid of it?
Do you have a picture of it? My leaves get a white residue on my plants from my hard water because I have well water so it leaves mineral deposits on the leaves, could it be that?
I don't have a picture at the monent but it's not that. It's kind of like eggs or something. I'll try to get a picture.
Aphids? Scale? There's a number of potential plant buggers if they come in contact with them. What is is shaped like? What size?
pictures of this white stuff


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    white stuff on plants 024.JPG
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  • white stuff on plants 025.JPG
    white stuff on plants 025.JPG
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  • white stuff on plants 026.JPG
    white stuff on plants 026.JPG
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  • white stuff on plants 027.JPG
    white stuff on plants 027.JPG
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The link above is close. Not scale insects, but those are mealybugs, genus _Pseudococcus_ most likely.

They are hard to controll as most of the greenhouse strains are resistant to many insecticides. They may also invade the root zone of a plant, so spraying alone may not be effective.

I like the Bayer products containing Imidocloprid. Used as a soil drench it doesn't leave any residue on the leaves. It is expensive, however. A new plant would probably be cheaper.
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Mealy Bugs are a type of Scale Bug..the link I provided discusses the three types of scale including Mealy bugs and how to get rid of them :)
Nice pictures, what kind of camera are you using? Sorry for your mealybug infestation. :x
Have you tried using Neem Oil. It is basically a horticultural oil and It seems to control any pest issues I ever have. Another good non-toxic spray is Hot Pepper Wax. Its main ingredient is hot cayenne pepper that overheats the plant pests. There is an information website for it at www.hotpepperwax.com, A fellow forum member highly recommends this!

Neem oil works similarly to horticultural oil. It should be diluted with water and Pine Sol to counteract the onion-like odor. All of these are available nationwide at plant and garden centers and also by mail order.

Important: None of these should be applied to plants in direct sun or in high temps and I would give it plenty of time to try before re-introducing the plant into the cham enclosure.
Insectidal soaps do work but it is a pain in the A and takes forever. As DGray states, it is cheaper and easier to just buy a new plant.
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