white bugs in cage


New Member

Yesterday when removing the water from the drainage container there were lots of white bugs in the water. Never noticed this before and its creeping me out. There were lots. Anyone have any idea what this could be and how to keep it from happening again. Thanks.

They are most likely mites and need to be dealed with.
If they are white they are not bloodmites and will not be on your chameleon, red mites will be on your chameleon.
I use frontline to clean the viv and then air it out until the smell is gone.
what is frontline? How'd I get the mites? I've had my chameleon for almost a yr. and never noticed the white bugs before. So I need to take everything out of the cage and clean it? Thanks.

do you have any food or fruit in the cage? do you have live plants? and how big are the white bugs? r they almost microscopic?...do u feed roaches?

I had the same little bugs in my roaches cage. I noticed them when I didnt keep up on there cage. cause there cage is damp with bananas and oranges. I noticed them in the mulch bark. So thats why I ask...I didnt think they were a big deal. If any nasty thing is left around long enough bugs will come.

I only noticed them in the tub the holds the drainage water. They're small,but can be seen easily. I have a live plant in Pedro's cage,but I don't leave food in there. They can't be from roaches because Idon't feed them. I keep the cage clean, soI don't know how i got them. Thanks.

i keep the water moving so ive never seen the bugs in water yet.

i am using promist 2x a day for 20mn.the water drains into a 33gallon container then is pumped to a drain every 3-4 days then every few months disinfect all the containers,tubing.

ive seen some fast catapiller type bugs under the cages and on the one cage i seen some small white bugs i never seen any red mites yet.
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