which enclosure

Welcome to CF!
Super glad you have found us:D
This is THE place for information on chameleons;)

What type of chameleon are you wanting to house?

DIYcages sells a 2x2x4 for $99 shipped. It is a great enclosure, and the appropriate size to house most any chameleon as an adult.:)
Welcome to CF!
Super glad you have found us:D
This is THE place for information on chameleons;)

What type of chameleon are you wanting to house?

DIYcages sells a 2x2x4 for $99 shipped. It is a great enclosure, and the appropriate size to house most any chameleon as an adult.:)

learn to read... he said jackson! haha. :p
Thank you for the recommendations. I am leaning towards a Jackson cham only because I had one in the past. I have been researching other kinds though...but I keep going back to the Jacksons.

I really want to make sure I do all the research I can to give the cham I get the best life possible.
I started with a jackson, and then got a panther.

I like my jackson best, but that may be because she was my first;):rolleyes:

Panthers are great IMO, just different.

I say go with that you find most interesting, but veileds and panthers are "easier".

Jacksons are really not difficult, unless you live in a very dry climate, they just need different things.:)

Here is a video on jackson chameleon care that Jdog1027 made. It goes over their care, and housing, and its really all spot on. Definitely worth a watch IMO.

mesh is better for thier nails but the zippers are a pain they move alot while unzipping they stick the screen will last longer to
Welcome, and i say the 2nd one, i have 11 of the reptbreeze ones now and really like them, and they are similar
its ok. Ill still tolerate you being around and helping people.................for now...
and my dubias should be here soon. :(
Hahaha, Im very happy for you! :)
...and thanks:eek:
@ Solid Snake: Thank you for posting that video!

BTW, there is a larger cage like the second on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PHABI8/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details

Well Im glad it was helpful:)

Ive heard people say the cage in your link is fine :) Ive never used that brand myself though.
Thanks for the video, good info! Man those Arcadia bulbs are pricey! That's not the same bulb as the reptisun you mentioned earlier is it?
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