Where's my chameleon????


New Member
He was right here this evening and so was his house???:eek:


Oh here he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Should probably help his home is now like 10x bigger!!!!
i was wondering why so many people looked at this but there are almost no replies...

then i clicked... and was like oh. Not much to say. :D

Yay for bigger cham homes!!!
I love setting up the new homes :) I've gotten to do it a couple times now and I feel like it gets more fun the more creative you get creating a mini jungle... Soon I get to do it with Herbie's cage and I'm stoked...

Gotta say, his current home looks sad and cramped inside his "double-wide" lol
Haha! I'm sure he'll appreciate the extra leg space. I hate putting up new cages just because it involves me going into the cage into weird positions and it's such a pain to get the vines tied down just right... It does a number on my back. : / BUT my Chams sure do love it.
Haha! I'm sure he'll appreciate the extra leg space. I hate putting up new cages just because it involves me going into the cage into weird positions and it's such a pain to get the vines tied down just right... It does a number on my back. : / BUT my Chams sure do love it.

You go in the cage?
when you take the little cage out are you going to put some type of large plant or something to fill in the bottom?
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