What type of cham is black and white ?


New Member
Some one please tell me what type of chameleon is black and white. I've seen pics on here before but cant find them now.
I read the title of this thread and thought it was the first line of a joke, as in "why did the chicken cross the road?" lol I was looking for a punchline :)
Are you referring to the guy in my avatar?:) He isnt just black and white though. He also has a bright orange side stripe along with greens. I dont think there is any species of chameleon that is only black and white.
Are you referring to the guy in my avatar?:) He isnt just black and white though. He also has a bright orange side stripe along with greens. I dont think there is any species of chameleon that is only black and white.

WOW gorgeous cham. He is Bradypodion transvaalense, correct?
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