What size silkworms?


New Member
About to place an order for silkworms for a young veiled chameleon approx. 3 months old. What size silkworms will I need?
The smallest you can get. My cham always aims for the head or tail and never has trouble eating bigger bugs. An insect that is no wider than the space between there eyes is always a good rule to follow though.
The smallest you can get. My cham always aims for the head or tail and never has trouble eating bigger bugs. An insect that is no wider than the space between there eyes is always a good rule to follow though.

He always seems to aim for the bigger prey. Are the small worms tiny?
The smalls I get sent too tiny but if you're getting 250 you wanna go small so they can grow without dying off, you can't fridge silks like other worms. You'll probably need extra food aswell for them and 17 dollars is a goood deal.
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