What size do crickets start breeding?

Okay, so we just got in an order of 1000 1/2" crickets and I would like to breed them. We are going to look for a Dubia roach colony at a Repticon next weekend, but it'll take longer for them to get started enough to feed them off from what I understand. Plus, we are feeding the two chams, about 9 Leo's and 6 cresteds so the variety is good.

Anyways, when should I put a lay bin in my cricket container? And can I use vermiculite or coco fiber as a substrate?

Also, when the eggs need to incubate, can I put them in one of racks? It stays in the 90s on the warm side in there.
I know there's lots of threads about this so I appreciate y'all taking the time to read this and comment!
This is my recommendation for you. This guide is amazing. As far as you feeding a lot of guys I totally understand lol I have three beardies, 1 Veiled(soon to be two :)) 6 leos, and a crested. The beardies are pigs just themselves :D anyway I would just using plain organic potting soil for the laying bin. No need to get all that other stuff.

Here is the guide for you it is a very very very good one and has pictures.

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