What Panther Cham is the most tame? Where to buy?


New Member
Considering getting a panther cham after having my veiled cham "Dexter" for bout 4 months now. He is growing quite fast and I've really enjoyed taking care of him. I guess the addiction has begun! I'm really intrigued by the colorful panther chams. Would like to know from others what they believe to be the most handleable and non aggressive cham. I really like the Nosy Be and Ambanjas that I've seen. Also considering buying from screameleons or FLchams? Suggestions and info appreciated.
Luck of the draw, you never know if it will end up aggressive or not. My female is weary of me. She doesn't mind me looking at her and will even eat silkworms out of my fingers, but she runs and hides if my hand is too close without food.
I wouldn't say that one locale is more "tame" than the other. It really depends on the chameleon whether or not they are aggressive. Screameleons and FLchams are both very good..can't go wrong with them or any of the sponsors on here.
I'd like to say you could 'tame' a chameleon, but we all know that ain't true. Get whatever kind of cham you like and hand feed. It'll let them get used to you ... and go from there. :) It won't hurt to spoil them with lots of plants/vines :p
This is really just depend on the luck. Some chameleon is more shy/ aggressive than the others. It depends on their personality.
Normally, they do not exactly go out there to bite your finger. They become aggressive when they feel cornered/ stressed..

So, sometimes when they don't wanna get out from the cage, they really mean that they don't want to get out.

and he aint for sale...........unless were talking like ten hundred thousand bazillion US dollars!!!!! and then its just a maybe.
they are all individuals but id like to think they can be tamed to a degree. just make sure and hand feed and then try and get him/her to walk on your arm by itself
If you get an older juvenile you could possibly pick one that is showing a more mellow personality than others, but again, once it matures and hormones start kicking in that could change. Doing your cage chores and activity around the cage on a more predictable schedule helps (chams hate change), hand feeding, lots of plant cover will create a low stress environment. That will all help.
Thanks for all the input. I will be getting a panther soon! My veiled likes to come out of his cage when i bring his plant out. He actually looks a lot less stressed when he is out walking around on me vs his cage. His colors get really bright! Here are some pics of Dex out and about!


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Usually the older they get the calmer they become....either that or they get acclimated to the routine and learn that you are the food source.

I had an Ambilobe that constantly likes getting on my arm if it is close by, since it was a juvi.
My other Ambilobe male would have nothing to do with me until he was about 2 years old. Now they both have to take turns on the arm/shoulder rides.
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