What Locale is my Panther?

Jon - I agree completely!!

There was also a young Ambi x Ambanja cross up for sale a few months back (i just can't find it). It had very dull colors and the poster had him up for sale for $250 shipped. Well it didn't sell for a few months and the poster posted a current pic of it and raised the price to $400 shipped. It looks really nice and looks just like the Cham in this thread, but was clearly a cross going through it's morph stages.
After looking at the 2 new pics you just post I am for sure that is a ambi X ambanja cross that background color is just like one of my male ambanjas....
After checking out that link you posted i noticed mine looks really close to post #44 by Kerrek picture :Riker.

Also in post number 22 Sir georges second picture by clark. His bars look really white. is this also a ambilobe trait?

I'm not seeing pictures that correlate to your description. :confused: I see post #22 from banshee with no picture. And 44 is Zuggie with a very blue cham picture.

If you click on the number of the post in the top right of the post then copy that link it will link directly to that particular post within the thread. Maybe that will help us compare better.
After checking out that link you posted i noticed mine looks really close to post #44 by Kerrek picture :Riker.

Also in post number 22 Sir georges second picture by clark. His bars look really white. is this also a ambilobe trait?

Yes, some have light bars while asleep or fired up. I wouldn't say it's on the common side for Ambi traits though.
Found it....I can't link because my phone won't support Adobe.

But go to ChameleonesOnly.com.. On the left side look for Past Breeders and look for an Ambanja Panther names "Amandil"... Your Cham look almost exactly like him "at rest".. But seems to show a alottt of Reds and orange when fired up or woken up from sleep.(thats also what makes me think crossed with Ambliobe.)

i couldnt help but laugh, That cham looks like the best cham they have on there. Its clearly purple barred. maybe look at the comment i made right above this and the cham i found (RIKER). looks alot closer than what you found.

CLICK HERE (post #41) (RIKER)-- https://www.chameleonforums.com/post-your-ambilobe-here-83996/
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I'm not seeing pictures that correlate to your description. :confused: I see post #22 from banshee with no picture. And 44 is Zuggie with a very blue cham picture.

If you click on the number of the post in the top right of the post then copy that link it will link directly to that particular post within the thread. Maybe that will help us compare better.

He's talking about these 2 Chams. Which don't looks like the cham he posted (not from the pix anyway)


I'm not seeing pictures that correlate to your description. :confused: I see post #22 from banshee with no picture. And 44 is Zuggie with a very blue cham picture.

If you click on the number of the post in the top right of the post then copy that link it will link directly to that particular post within the thread. Maybe that will help us compare better.

post 41# my bad.
He's talking about these 2 Chams. Which don't looks like the cham he posted (not from the pix anyway)



right so your telling me the second picture look nothing like mine but looks way closer to the ambanja you amandi u found on chameleons only? you have got to be kidding me.
Yeah...the first one doesn't look anything like yours. The second one I can see some similarities, but not near enough to convince me yours is pure ambilobe.

P.S. You have gotten helpful and polite responses so far. Getting snarky in return is not going to get you anywhere.
Jon beat me to it. ;) Like I said, there are similarities, which I would expect if it is a cross with an ambilobe. But yours also has more ambanja traits that you do not see on ambilobes based on the pictures you've provided.
Do us all a favor and let this forum stay a peaceful place. Stop getting snarky just because you get proven wrong. Everyone sees it, you say you like other opinions yet you deny every single one that is clearly obvious. Keep the attitude out. :D
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Do us all a favor and leave this forum a peaceful place. Stop getting snarky just because you get proven wrong. Everyone sees it, you say you like other opinions yet you deny every single one that is clearly obvious. Keep the attitude out. :D

I agree! I'm very tired of seeing these OP posts and I don't have the nerve to read through all his nonsense. OP, you clearly think you know everything and for someone just getting into the hobby, you awfully know better than anyone else. Also, you can't tell your chameleon clearly looks different from other ambilobes, come on! Your chameleon is stunning so I hope you do not kill him but you are a complete troll. Come back when you actually want help and lose the attitude.
only difference i see is my top half being lighter. and my bars touch all the way down and are not spotted like that one and the amandii ambanja.

Are you kidding me???!?!!!?!Only thing they have in common is subtle similarities in baring coloration and the fact that they are both male Panther Chameleons!! When was your last optometrist appointment??

Someone hand me a white flag. I give up with this guy. #lostcause #blinded #denial
Are you kidding me???!?!!!?!Only thing they have in common is subtle similarities in baring coloration and the fact that they are both male Panther Chameleons!! When was your last optometrist appointment??

Someone hand me a white flag. I give up with this guy. #lostcause #blinded #denial

id say the same for you, i wish i could post a picture of the one that you thought was closer, Amandil. then we could all laugh. I wish i owned that cham. Its honestly the best colored one on that whole page.
This thread completely degraded. Karma and mbondy - you guys added way more drama to this than the OP did by far. I was giving him a fresh start and now we're back to the other thread's attitude. Fwiw, I still think your cham looks closer to the ambanja breeder on the other site. But I'm not interested in the childish drama if that's what we're going to do. I'm out.
id say the same for you, i wish i could post a picture of the one that you thought was closer, Amandil. then we could all laugh. I wish i owned that cham. Its honestly the best colored one on that whole page.

I'll see if I can get permission to post his pic from Ed or Liddy and I'll post both pix with your Cham in the middle and let the forum be the judge. I'm not here to fight you or bring any drama from your previous threads, you asked for reason as to what people feel you Cham's locale could be and im giving you my valid and unbiased opinion. You don't see what others and myself are seeing, therefore I'm also out of this thread. It will eventually spiral into a blackhole like your other threads.
Im niether disagreeing or agreeing to it being ambi, ambaj, a cross or a pure. in my opinon the closet one ive seen is RIKER and Idk what similarites you see in amandil that make you lean more towards him. i dont mind having any of those and im not 100% on the locale. and i will sell the babies with a picture of the male and the buyers can decide if they want those color genes.
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