What happened to my chameleon that passed?


New Member
Hi. So recently my baby Veiled Chameleon passed. I loved her with all my heart and was deeply affected by the loss. She was my first reptile ( other than turtles and anoles). I got her from lll reptiles and seemed to be a little over a couple months I'm not sure. I had Her for two months and would like to see if I did anything wrong here's all her info.
I had her in a open Air black aluminum screen cage. 16 x 16 x 30. For lights I had 5.0 UVB. 13w tropical light. And a Daylight blue reptile light 60w. Which I kept on all day. And turned off right before bed. For substrate I had a Eco carpet. And inside her cage I had 2 big natural fake plants bush. A flexible hanging vine. And a digital thermometer. I fed her two to three small / medium crickets a day because she was so small. I doused them in Repi calcium and Reptivite reptile meds every four or five days. For misting I misted it twice a day. And I used tab water but put repisafe in every time. I tried millworms but she refused to eat them. I let the crickets roam from in her cage until she saw them and ate them. Her temp. Was around 75 in the daytime and dropped to 70 or right around 60. She is a female. I got my crickets from petsmart. I also had a hanging surface mesh thing from one side of her cage to another. Any tips for another chameleon would be great! And if I should get my chameleons from another breeder that would be good to know too. Thanks!!! And she was only a couple of inches long.
The day before she died she seemed fine but wasn't eating. I thought because she was about to shed. When I found her she was black and green her eyes where black and closed. I forgot to mention that.
Sorry for your loss. It's not easy seeing them die especially when you don't know why.

It's almost impossible to know why your chameleon died without an autopsy..and even then it might not be conclusive.

At a young age there is a natural mortality....some just don't make it.

Husbandry can be another reason...your chameleon should have been eating about 10 to 15 appropriately sized crickets a day at that age.
The insects should have been dusted lightly at almost all feedings with a phosphorous-free calcium powder, twice a month with a phosphorous-free calcium/D3 powder and twice a month with an appropriate vitamin powder. The temperature in the basking area should have been in the low 80's F to allow for good digestion. You didn't mention water.

Although indoubt it had anything to do with her death, it's not recommended to use colored lights.

There are other things that could have led to her death too but we could only guess at them without more information.

Again...sorry for your loss.
Hi. So recently my baby Veiled Chameleon passed. I loved her with all my heart and was deeply affected by the loss. She was my first reptile ( other than turtles and anoles). I got her from lll reptiles and seemed to be a little over a couple months I'm not sure. I had Her for two months and would like to see if I did anything wrong here's all her info.
I had her in a open Air black aluminum screen cage. 16 x 16 x 30. For lights I had 5.0 UVB. 13w tropical light. And a Daylight blue reptile light 60w. Which I kept on all day. And turned off right before bed. For substrate I had a Eco carpet. And inside her cage I had 2 big natural fake plants bush. A flexible hanging vine. And a digital thermometer. I fed her two to three small / medium crickets a day because she was so small. I doused them in Repi calcium and Reptivite reptile meds every four or five days. For misting I misted it twice a day. And I used tab water but put repisafe in every time. I tried millworms but she refused to eat them. I let the crickets roam from in her cage until she saw them and ate them. Her temp. Was around 75 in the daytime and dropped to 70 or right around 60. She is a female. I got my crickets from petsmart. I also had a hanging surface mesh thing from one side of her cage to another. Any tips for another chameleon would be great! And if I should get my chameleons from another breeder that would be good to know too. Thanks!!! And she was only a couple of inches long.
Sorry for your loss. I'm new to the world of chameleon's. I've had dog, cat and birds ferrets ands others. But I have to tell you I wish I'd had Panther Chameleon's a long time ago. I've only had Tyrion for 5 months and I love this little guy . I got him from Kammerflage and the company was a pleasure to do business with. They answered all my questions even the silly ones. As much as I was anxious to get one and determined to get one as soon as possible.I knew nothing about these beautiful creatures.
So my husband and I went to a few Chicago reptiles shows talked too people and decided that the panther is what I wanted. I watched a lot of YouTube ... lot of dumb people with Chameleons that maybe shouldn't own one . Lot of cages with almost all plastic plants. That's not for me. This chameleon forums web site you have a lot of people who are really in love with their animals and are willing too help you and I. I'm always on looking up things that I come across I need too know.
Don't get discourage any questions just ask .
I'm sorry to hear about your baby!!!

If/when you are ready to try again (and I hope you do because they are such wonderful animals), my advice is to take your time! Use us here for all our combined knowledge to get everything set up and ready before bringing one home. It will make things go so much smoother, and be much less stressful for your new cham. Read up on the different kinds, pick a breed that is right for you, then buy from a reputable breeder!

We are here to help!! My thoughts will be with you
Thank you so so much for the support!!! Even though people say I shouldn't I am going to be getting a chameleon again. I am going to reaserach more and I'm sure this website will be plenty of use!!! Thanks
I had my first chameleon in a glass cage and did not do my research on chameleons and who I bought from did not tell me anything
so I just feed him crickets and that's all. I came home one day and he was dead and I did not know why so later on I done my research
and got another one and he is 1 yr old right now. So before you get another one do your research, hope everything works out for you.
Thank you so so much for the support!!! Even though people say I shouldn't I am going to be getting a chameleon again. I am going to reaserach more and I'm sure this website will be plenty of use!!! Thanks
Research research research !!. And then more Research !!. Once you get a healthy baby their amazing little gems . Their so special but their care is specialized . I love that you are giving another try ;). There's such a need for good homes .
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